Darkness (chapter 20)

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Everything felt like it was going in slow motion.

Gun bullets flying through the air.

My attention turns to Ash shooting back and when I looked at the window I was the one person I hated.

My brother is back.

He winked at me as he shot his gun in my direction.

I didn't have a clue of what to do.

Everything then stopped at that moment.

The bullet had penetrated into the right side of my chest.

I fell to the ground just staring up at the ceiling.

Everything became more blurry as time went on second by second.

All the gunshots have stopped and I just lay here motionless, unable to move.

I hear my name being called, I knew it was Ash who was calling me.

He came rushing over to me lifting me into his arms.

Tears leave my eyes as well as his.

I saw the panic in him.

Ash had his phone in his pocket and called an ambulance.

Blue flashing lights came with-in minutes.

I was placed on a stretcher by Ash and rushed to hospital.

Just watching the lights above me as I am wheeled into a room, only brings back memories from being in here before.

I don't know what happened from there but all I hear is the beeping of the machines.

I look around the room as I begin to open my eyes.

At that moment in the chair awaiting for me to wake up is MY Ash.

"Ash?" I called out with a dry throat.

His head lifted without a hesitation.

"Mackenzie you're ok OMG I missed you so much I can't believe that bastard came back I won't let him near us ever again, I promise!" Ash replied to me.

"I know you won't and I love you so much." I replied back.

"I love you too Can't wait to marry you." Ash remarked back at what I said.

All I could do was laugh.

I laughed so much I felt this sharp pain in my stomach.

"SHIT!" I had to shout.

"What? Are you ok?" Ash replied in a worrying voice.

"Yeah I'm ok just that um... MY WATER JUST BROKE!" I had to shout so he heard me loud and clearly.

Ash screamed out the door that I was going into Labor all came rushing to my room.

"Ok Mackenzie all you have to do is push." The nurse directed me what to do and I followed instructions.

I pushed and held Ash's hands whilst I did so.

After 5 long hard hours of pushing out babies and now in our lives let alone arms.

I held the twins one in each arm and smiled.

I then handed them to Ash to hold.

(Ash's POV)

I can't believe what's in front of me, My babies... My Family... My world.

This is all I have ever wanted.

"They look so beautiful and peaceful, She defiantly looks like you an angel." I stated.

"And he defiantly looks like you a troublemaker." Mackenzie responds making me laugh.

I just love them so so so much.

(Back to Mackenzie's POV)

I loved all the 3 of them and that is all I wanted.

My son was born before my daughter only by 10 minutes.

"What are you going to name them?" The nursed asked us.

We looked at each other as I was going to name the boy and he named the girl.

"Lydia-Rose Elizabeth Stymest." Ash said which was the girls name.

"Jace Stiles Stymest." I said which was the boys name.

"I love both of them, welcome to the world Lydia-Rose and Jace." The nurse said which made me and Ash happy.

The next day we all went back home to where we had the bedrooms set out for the babies.


AWWW the babies are finally here.

Cant believe the next chapter will be the last.

I have enjoyed writing the story might do a sequel but on the babies' lives but once they have grown up and are teenagers.

Hoped you enjoyed chapter 20.


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