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The whispers were becoming louder as Hoseok was walking down the corridor. He clearly seemed to have no clue, but he hoped that those whispers aren't about him.

As Hoseok was putting books in his locker, someone approached him. "Hey gay boy," Hoseok turned around to see Jungkook leaning against another metal locker.

Hoseok has seen him doing this when he approaches girls and tries to convince them to date him, which takes two seconds as he is a huge fuck boy that everyone loves.

"I heard that you're dating the new guy. What's his name, ugh, can't remember."

"Taehyung," Hoseok replied as he shut his metal locker. "Yeah, him." Jungkook stands up, not leaning across the locker again.

"We ain't dating." Hoseok swung his bag over his shoulder and ignored Jungkook's presence.

Hoseok went to his next class when he saw Taehyung sitting at the corner of the corridor with his hoodie on.

Hoseok dropped down and sat next to Taehyung. He removed the other's hoodie off, revealing Taehyung's face.

"Tae, were you crying?" Taehyung looked up to see worried Hoseok. Taehyung laughed to himself that he said the truth but when Taehyung cries you can't see the result such as puffy cheeks or red eyes.

"No, I wasn't." He rubbed his eyes and stretched a little. "I was sleeping. I didn't have much sleep last night."

"Sometimes I wonder what you do up all night that makes you so tired," Hoseok smirked and made Taehyung laughed. "Sometimes I wonder why do you always have an interest in me."

Both of the males laughed, but then the bell rang to their lesson. Thankfully, both of them had the same class - English, so they walked together.

As they were walking along, Hoseok didn't notice that he was holding Taehyung's hand. They held their hands together for a while but then Taehyung lets go of the other's hand.

Hoseok looked down at a single hand, noticing he wasn't holding another hand anymore. "Are you alright, Tae?" Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung saw Jin and his squad in the distance. That's the reason why he let go. He wished to hold Hoseok's hand much longer until they reach the classroom.

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