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Yoongi and Jimin both hurried to the Principle's office. One of the guys told them that Hoseok was involved in the fight, so they ran fast as they could.

They sat there for a couple of minutes until Hoseok slowly walked out. Straightaway, he was greeted by Yoongi with a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Yoongi worriedly asked.

"I'm fine. I gave someone a good lesson."

"Who?" Jimin inquired. "Jin." Jimin gasped in shock.

"You stood up against Jin?" Yoongi was speechless. "I wish Taehyung was here to find this out," Jimin mentioned.


It's been days since Taehyung hasn't arrived at school. Hoseok is worried that something might have happened. Jimin and Yoongi started to worry a little as well.

"What do you think Taehyung is doing right now?" Hoseok asked the others. Both of them shrugged their shoulders. "I'm quite worried you know, what if something happened?"

Hoseok's phone started vibrating, someone is calling him. He took his phone out to see who's calling him. "Hoseok, are you mad? Do you want to get your phone taken away?" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Taehyung is calling," Hoseok stated. "Should I pick it up?" Jimin confidently nodded, whereas Yoongi wasn't quite sure.

Hoseok picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Hi, Hoseok!"

"Tae, where have you been? Are you alright?"

"I'm in the hospital. Don't worry."


"Yeah, but I'm totally fine. Doctors have been doing a great job."

"Listen, you made worried. Next time at least text me, okay?"

"Don't worry. Rest well. Bye!"

"You too. Bye."

Hoseok hung up the call and hid his phone straight away.

"What is he doing?" Jimin asked. "He's in a hospital."

Yoongi's facial expression changed. It was something you couldn't recognise what it is. A mix of many emotions.

Both Hoseok and Jimin looked at suspiciously looking Yoongi. "Why are you moody again?" Hoseok asks. "It's nothing, and I'm not moody," Yoongi replied.

"Do you think I should go and visit him?"

"It's school right now," Jimin stated. "And so? I can skip classes."

"Do you think it's worth it?" Yoongi curiously questions.

"Well, duh, his friend is in the hospital." Jimin contended.

By the time, Jimin and Yoongi turned around Hoseok was already gone.

"Well, that was quick."

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