Chapter 4 {Annabeth} We Can- We Will

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Rachel's eyes glowed green and mist fell out her mouth. Then she started speaking.

The switched and the two
Retrieve someone lost
To keep her safe you shall,
But her life will be taken
An item will be given
Take it you must
But do not be driven with lust

(I have no idea where Im going with this)

And well, Percy didn't take it too well and vapored away. Annabeth sighed and helped Rachel off the ground, the oracle got a good look at his face and arched a brow. "Something bad again?" He gave her a tired look and Rachel patted his back. "Don't stress too much,"
"Doesn't sound like a big prophecy, but you can't always expect it to be," He shrugged, "So I'll have to wait where this leads..."

The night found Annabeth sitting inside the Poseidon cabin with Percy sleeping on his shoulder. He took a good look at her and smiled. Had to admit, he wasn't taking this whole gender switch thing all too badly, in fact— Percy looked cute as a girl. Bright green eyes, still with that lopsided rebellious grin and untamed black hair. She still smelled of the sea and was still unpredictable at times, but that's what he liked about Percy.
Annabeth brushed his fingers through her hair and Percy shifted slightly. He sighed, whatever the quest was about, they'll make it through. He knows they will.

We're staying together.

As long as we're together.

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