Chapter 11 {Percy} Red Dress

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She stood particularly nowhere, and somewhere.
Come to check, she was standing in the middle of a lake, somewhat about midnight.
The moon shone brightly, the lake glittered underneath in a ray of dark blue and stars.
She took a little step. And where her feet touched the water, it rippled in a shimmer of silver.
And another step. And soon she was practically sprinting— but a demigod dream could only last so good.
Suddenly the water shifted into a murky black whirlpool, and Percy was thrown in.
Her body stayed float, still under the dark water, just right outside a bubble. There was someone in it.
Particularly, a blonde boy. She couldn't see his face, but he felt familiar, somehow.

But before Percy could even decipher who might've been, the water started slowly creeping in and formed itself into little spiders, crawling towards the boy.
His shoulders tensed, and he turned to Percy in a flash.
Those grey eyes. She tried to reach her arm out. That's Annabeth. She couldn't move, every part of her body stayed still. She could only watch as the spiders crawled up to his knees, stormy grey eyes watching in obvious fear.
Personal loyalty will kill you, hero...
Percy whipped around, faster than ever, only to meet a sword into her gut. The pain was excruciating, for the sword had penetrated through.

Then it struck her.

She pulled out the blade, more pain overwhelmed flushed over her, Percy was sure she would faint— but she couldn't, she wouldn't.
With the little bit of strength left, she swung the blade towards the bubble, as it popped and Annabeth disappeared in a shimmer of silver.
Percy sank down, she was sure there was blood, but if there was the dress' color camouflaged it.

For she drowned in red.

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