Chapter One

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Edited version

I march through the halls of General Skywalker's cruiser, heading towards the barracks. General Skywalker, Ahsoka, and the entire 501st just came back from a successful yet exhausting mission. We joined up with General Kenobi's fleet on a mission to Felucia to stop the Seppies from invading the planet. The only good thing that came out of that mission, besides being a success, is being able to spend some quality time with my boyfriend, Cody.

The mere thought of his name sends my heart in a flutter. Cody and I have been together for four years and have managed to keep it a secret. Unlike General Skywalker, who's not quite mastered the definition of subtlety with Senator Amidala. The only people that know of my relationship are Kix, Jesse, Fives, Waxer, and Boil. Echo did too, but he's gone now...Those are the brothers that Cody and I trust most with our relationship, and so far, they haven't told a soul.

Once at the barracks, I enter my private quarters. The benefit of being a captain is that I get a private room, which helps a lot when Cody comes over. Slipping off my helmet, I set it on the table next to Cody's. My amber eyes scout the room, but there was no sign of my cyare. The sound of water running issues from the fresher; Cody must be in there. 

I start taking off my armor, setting them in a pile on the floor. The upper part of my armor is removed when wet footsteps sounded behind me. I turn around to see Cody covered in small droplets. A towel loosely wraps around his waist.

He smiles and crosses the room, immediately snaking an arm around my waist. Calloused hands curl around the back of his neck before I give him a gentle kiss. "Hey," I muttered against his lips. He chuckled, "Hey, yourself," his smile dipped into a frown, "How's my cyare?"

I tilt my head to the side, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm fine," I state. Cody scoffs before his eyes harden and narrow, forming tiny crinkles in the corners of his eyes. 

"You know what I'm talking about, Rex. We both know how hard this mission was for you," he declared, concern dripping from his lips like sap. Sweet sap that I want to kiss away. But I know there's no getting out of it with Cody. He practically reads me like an open book. 

"I just," I pause, choking back tears as flashes of lost brothers repeat in my head, "we lost so many men today. Brothers. I mean, we lose brothers every day. But it doesn't make it any easier."

I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck, finally allowed my walls to crumble. Cody's arms hold me tight against his body, sending a wave of safety and security. To others, I'm a badass captain with a hard exterior. But the great thing about Cody is he knows when I've reached my breaking point. When sometimes, the war gets too much, and I need to let go. 

I don't notice the tears until a hand rubs my back, soothing the sobs rattling from my chest. "I know, Rex. It's alright. Just let it out. It's never easy losing brothers. And I don't think it'll ever get easier. But we have each other. And I don't plan on going anywhere without you."

It's my turn to scoff. "Y-You say that now. You don't kn-know what tomorrow could bri-ing. No one does. You could d-die tomorrow," I stammer, forcing more broken sobs against my lover's copper neck. Before Cody speaks, I swallow thickly, "Sometim...Sometimes I wonder if this fight's even worth it."

Instead of words, Cody's right-hand cradles my head, while his left hand continues rubbing my back. Time disappears as we stay like this. Nothing exists except my sobs and Cody's soothing whispers in my ear. Soon, the cries quiet down to little hiccups, and I begin kissing his neck. 

Cody stops me from going further by pulling away to look at me. His hands cup my face, and rough thumbs push away my tears. "Rex," he starts, "no matter what happens. I'll always be with you. You're right; tomorrow could be different. But for now, I'm right here, and you'd have to be crazy to think I'd ever leave you without a fight." A growl seeps into his tone at the end, cracking a small smile from my lips. 

I lean forward and press a passionate kiss on his lips, which he happily returned. After thirty seconds, I pull away for air, pressing my forehead against his. 

"I love you," I whisper, the small smile now beaming.

Cody smiles tenderly in return. "And I love you. So much so that I'd like to show you how alive I truly am tonight."

An eyebrow nearly breaches my hairline while a smirk appears. "Oh? And how would you do that?"

No answer comes. Instead, my boyfriend's lips kiss down my jaw and neck. I let out a breathy moan while gripping his broad shoulders. "C-Cody..."

Again, no words speak as he pushes me down on the bed and begins removing the rest of my armor. Words are overrated, anyway. All I need is a passionate night with the man I love. What could go wrong?

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