Chapter Thirteen

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Living at Cut's house was one of the best decisions we've made. During the past four weeks, it has been nice not being in war all the time. To not feel like I need to hide my relationship and child, in fear they would be taken away from me. Cut and his family have accepted Cody from the start, especially the kids. Shaeeah and Jek love playing with him. Cody loves it as well because he gets to experience what it's like to have children to run around with. Cody has also been getting along with Sue and Cut nicely. He helps them with the farm and has been earning some credits from delivering harvests and fixing ships for the local square about 10 clicks east from the house. So far we have 800 credits saved up, 400 from Ahsoka, Kix, Fives and Echo while the other 400 are from Cody working. If Cody keeps going, eventually we'll have enough to get our own place shortly after our little girl arrives.

Though, I must admit, I miss my brothers and Jedi so kriffing much. I know Cody misses his brothers and Jedi too. It's hard hiding out here while our other brothers are fighting and dying out there for our freedom. I feel like a coward some days, thinking that I should be out there to help; most of the time, though, those thoughts dissolve the moment I look down at my rounded stomach and feel tiny feet kicking the skin.

As of now, Cody is working in the town square again while I am sitting in a chair on the porch keeping an eye on the kids as they played. Sue and Cut were also in town delivering and selling their next harvest. At first, they were nervous about leaving me at the house alone because of the many attacks to me the last few months; however, after reassuring them that I wouldn't be going anywhere and would just be with the kids, they slowly relaxed and left. Although, I'm pretty sure they told Jek and Shaeeah to keep an eye on me anyway.

They were playing tag in the field while I drank my cup of water. I sighed tiredly and leaned back in the chair with hooded eyes. I barely got any sleep last night because the baby kept moving around to the point where it was uncomfortable. It's been happening lately for the past few days, which made me slightly worried. Although, Sue reassured me that it was perfectly normal and it was actually a good sign of my daughter's development; I'm not sure if it would call my lack of sleep a good thing though.

I didn't realize I closed my eyes and dozed off until two pairs of tiny hands shook me.

"Rex! Wake up," Shaeeah yelled. I jolted awake and looked around frantically.

"Where's the danger?" I asked with my right hand on one of my pistols beside me. Both children giggled.

Jek said, "No danger, we just wanted to wake you up. Mommy and daddy said if you fell asleep in the chair to wake you up so you don't hurt your back and neck. If you want, you can sleep on the couch or in your bed."

I smiled softly at them. I knew they put Jek and Shaeeah up to something. I shook my head though, "No, I'm good. I don't want to shorten your fun. Go on, keep playing." The two siblings looked at each other before Shaeeah ran inside.

"Wh-What? Shaeeah! Where'd you go?!" I asked while attempting to push myself out of the chair. Right when I was finally able to get out of the chair, Shaeeah ran back out, this time with two pillows; one was long and one was square.

I raised an eyebrow, "Uh, why do you have them?" She smiled brightly at me and replied, "So put between you and the chair. That way, if you fall asleep, you at least have something comfy to lay on!" She and Jek then pushed me forward to put the pillows against the back of the chair. The long one went upright where Emmy back would rest while the smaller one was placed where my neck and head would be. Once they finished, I reclined back slowly against the pillows and looked at them.

"Uh, thank you," I stated with a sheepish smile. Both giggled and hugged me. "You're welcome, Rex! We'd do anything for our favorite uncle and new cousin!" I gasped silently in shock before slowly hugging them back tightly.

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