Chapter Eleven

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Tonight was the night Cody, and I left the Republic. I called Cut, and he told us we were more than welcome to stay with him. Though, I didn't say the exact reason why I was leaving. All he knows is something happened that made me not want to stay in the army anymore.

The whole day was full of packing. Ahsoka found a ship we could take that wasn't too big to go noticed, but just the right size for Cody and I. She also came up with a brilliant way not make anyone suspicious of our absence. I have to say, though, I'm going to feel kind of bad for General Kenobi and General Skywalker after she puts the plan in place. Kix gave me a bag full of medicines, vitamins, and a few baby things for our girl: diapers, bottles, a few simple newborn outfits, and a small blanket to wrap her in. I'm a little nervous about leaving, mainly because Kix won't be here to do ultrasounds and make sure the baby is okay. However, Kix assured me that as long as the baby is still kicking and my stomach is still growing, I should be alright. Fives and Echo grabbed Cody and me two bags to put in the stuff we're taking.

I was packing my blasters and armor when I grabbed hold of my helmet. I let out a sad sigh. Cody wrapped his arms around me from behind and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll miss it here too. But we're not walking away from the Republic altogether. It'll still be our home. It's just time for us to start the next chapter in our futures. Together, with our daughter." I leaned back against him completely while his hands ran over my stomach, earning a few soft kicks in return. I nodded with a hum. "I know. I can't believe we're doing this. I feel sorry for the generals, the 501st and the 212th for how they're going to react to our fake deaths. I still can't believe Ahsoka is going to pull it off." Cody turned me around and kissed me. Naturally, I kissed back. We had kissed a couple more times before we pulled away, panting with our foreheads together. "As long as we have each other, my love, we will get through this. It's not like everyone will think we're dead. Kix, Echo, Fives, and Ahsoka will still know where we are. They even promised that they would visit us as much as they can. Kix even mentioned coming out when it gets close to the birth. We won't be alone." I bit my lip hard before smiling warmly at Cody. "How did I get so lucky to have you as my fiancé?" He chuckled. "I think it's the other way around, Rexster."

I laughed and pecked his lips before going back to packing. I packed my helmet in, along with some other personal belongings. I grabbed the stuffed tooka that our four friends gave us for our daughter and smiled before setting it on top. I closed the bag and sat down with a fatigued sigh. Five minutes later, Cody finished and sat beside me. "Now, we wait."


It was 11:30 pm on the Chrono clock. Cody and I got dressed in civilian clothing and were currently waiting for Ahsoka to give us the all clear. Cody had all our bags strapped to his back and had his arm around my waist. Suddenly, Fives walked in. "Ahsoka got all the men out. We've got to move now." We followed Fives down the halls, and we're walking pretty quick. There were only a few times where my pregnancy would stop or slow me down, but we still made excellent time. We reached the hanger and saw Ahsoka, Echo, and Kix next to the ship we were leaving on. Once we were close enough, Kix pulled me into a hug. "Stay safe, vod. Remember, call me if there is anything you need. I'll be right here." I nodded, not trusting my voice enough. Tears prickled my eyes, but I blinked them away. We pulled away, and I hugged Echo next. "Thank you so much for everything you've done for these past few months," I choked out. Echo rubbed my back in soothing circles. "Shh, it's alright. You are very welcome, Rex. Don't worry; this is not a goodbye. Think of this as a see you later. Okay?" He pulled away and wiped the tears off my nodding face. "Okay." He cracked a smile and handed me over to Ahsoka, who instantly latched on. "Be careful, Rex. And you..," she pointed to my bump, "don't cause your daddy too much trouble." I laughed and ruffled her head. "Don't worry; I'll be perfectly alright. Cut and Cody will make sure of it."

"Oh, we definitely will," Cody said between hugs from Kix and Echo. I shook my head with a smile. I walked to Fives next, who had tears coating his eyes. He pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'm going to miss you. We'll do everything we can to cover your tracks." I nodded. "I have no idea what I would've done without you Fives. Thank you so much." He nodded and patted my stomach. "You're welcome. Can't wait to see you two and our little niece again." I gave a watery smile before walking back to Cody, who's arms wrapped around me. "We better get going before anyone comes in here." All of us nodded.

Cody and I walked up the ramp, giving a final wave, before going into the ship. I paused and turned to the four. "We'll call you once we reach Saleucami." They nodded with smiles and watery eyes. Cody led me to the cockpit and sat me down in the copilot's seat. He closed the ramp and got in the pilot's seat after dropping the bags. "Ready?" He asked me. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Ready." He leaned over and kissed my cheek and patted my bump softly before. He sat back and pressed a few buttons, making the ship come alive. He lifted it off the ground and slowly flew us out of the hanger. We kept this slow speed for a while, making sure we weren't detected. Once we reached the atmosphere with no problem, I put in the coordinates for our destination and us hyper-jumped; officially leaving Coruscant.


I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up to see Cody kneeling next to me. "Rex, come on. We just landed." I sat up slowly. "We're here?" He nodded. "Yep. Come on. They're waiting outside." He grabbed my arm and helped me up. I stretched, loosening my tight muscles. Cody grabbed our bags with one hand while leading me down the ramp with the other on my waist. I breathed once we stepped foot on the ground and rubbed my stomach. "You good?" Cody asked, concerned. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Yes, I'm okay. Just need to get my balance before two kids attack us." He smiled. We walked around the ship to see the familiar farm and farm house.

As we walked closer, I spotted four figures waiting for us on the porch. Two of them ran full speed towards me. "Rex!" They yelled. I knelt down as best as I could and hugged Shaeeah and Jek. "Hey, guys! My, you both have grown." Shaeeah jumped up and down excitedly. "I'm so happy you're back! We missed you, Rex." I smiled and rubbed her head a little, but jerked my head up once I heard a familiar voice say, "We all missed you, Rex." I grunted as I stood back up, silently thanking Cody for the assistance. Cut's eyebrows instantly shot up. "My god! Now you leaving the army makes much more sense." I blushed a bit. "Sorry for not telling you sooner. I was a little embarrassed." Cut laughed and patted my shoulders. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about, Rex. We will happily let you stay; no matter the reason. I'm sure you remember Sue." I smiled at the pink Twi'lek and returned the tight hug she gave me. "Hello, Rex. I am glad you decided to stay here. We have a room set up and ready for you and your partner." I nodded. "Thank you, Sue. Everyone, meet my fiancé Cody. Cody, this is Sue, Shaeeah, Jek, and Cut." Cody and the family of four greeted one another with warmth before Cut placed his arm around my shoulders and his left hand on my arm. "You both must be tired from your trip, especially you Rex. Let's go inside and let you rest and get something to eat. Afterward, you can tell us your story." Cody and I nodded, and they led us to the house.

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