Chapter Nine

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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed. It felt good to be able to relax after a stressful few weeks finally. I stored when I felt hands rubbing my stomach. My lips pulled up into a smile. When a pair of lips started kissing my belly, I woke up.

I looked down through sleepy eyes to find Cody staring at my bump with love and amazement. My hand reached up and ran through his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. "Morning," I whispered. He leaned up and kissed along my jaw slowly before finally reaching my lips. "Morning love. How'd you sleep?" I closed my eyes and buried my face into his neck. "Wonderful. I still can't believe Ahsoka, Fives, Echo, and Kix managed to let us have a whole week to ourselves."

Cody nodded while rubbing circles on my stomach. "I know. It's nice to have some quiet time with you, and our little 'un." I placed my hand on his. "I wonder what gender it is? Kix said it wouldn't be too long until we find out," I said. Cody shrugged. "Honestly, I don't care what it is, as long as he or she and you are healthy." I smiled up at him. "That is so sweet," I kissed him softly before smirking, "but that is so cliche. Also, it doesn't help right now. Whether we decide to find out now or wait, we'll need to start picking out names. Then we need to figure out how we will raise the baby." He sat up with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes at him. "We don't exactly live ordinary lives, Cody. How will we raise the baby when we're always gone and have a high risk of getting killed? We have to consider maybe leaving the army. If we don't, we might not have a child to raise."

Cody sat there, deep in thought, before leaning down and kissing my bump. "I will always put you both before being the soldier. When the time is right, we will leave. For now, let's just enjoy our time together. You hungry?" He stood up and grabbed his shirt.

I gave him a look. "I'm pregnant, what do you think?" He just laughed and went to get some food.


I was sitting out on the small balcony of our motel room. My feet were propped on the small coffee table in front of me. In my hand was a book that I had started reading a while ago, but never got to finish. I figured I would read it while I have the chance.

Cody was out getting my newest craving. I smiled a little thinking about how good he's been to me these past three weeks. Ever since we made up, he's been taking care of me; making sure I was comfortable. He's never disgusted with my cravings and patient with my mood swings. Two days ago I cried over the fact there was no more yogurt, and he left. He came back with three tubs of yogurt and sat with me the entire time while I ate them.

I zoned out of my thoughts and resumed reading. The door opening sounded from inside, and I turned my head slightly. "You back already, Cody?" There was no reply, just silence. I stopped reading and listened. "Cody?" The footsteps were barely audible, but I could still hear the thump of a boot. I made it look like I was still reading and discreetly reached down and grabbed the pistol under my leg in case of this. Once I knew the intruder was five steps away, I quickly turned and shot.

The person ducked effortlessly and knocked the gun out of my hand. I backed away with my arm over my stomach and a knife that I grabbed from the table in the other. "How are you?!" I demanded, a protective snarl in my voice. The person didn't say anything, just stepped forward until I could see it's red eyes. "Someone who is going to make a lot of money," I growled when I realized this person was none other than Cad Bane himself. "Yeah? Well if you want me, you'll have to fight for me." Babe whipped out a gun and shot at me, but I ducked the lasers and quickly stabbed his arm. He yelled out and glared at me.

I used that moment to kick him in the nuts and run as fast as I could to the bedroom. I stopped for a second and breathed before opening the drawer and grabbing my spare pistols and Cody's blaster. We both had a feeling we would need our guns. I strapped the blaster on my back and had a gun in each hand. I looked down at my bump and rubbed it softly. "Don't worry baby; I'll protect you. Where the hell is your father, though?" I had muttered the last part before I was nearly hit. I moved to the left and shot back at him. At one point he almost hit my stomach, but I dodged just in time. I growled once I ran out of ammo and began fighting hand-to-hand.

"Why are you hunting me?! I'm nothing special!" Bane lets out a deep laugh before blocking a punch. "I don't want you, the Separatists do. I just want the money." I kicked him in the thigh and blocked a few punches. "Then if that's the case, why do the Separatists want me?" I cried in pain when he grabbed my arm and twisted it. "What do you think?! That baby that you're carrying! The Separatists are anxious to get their hands on a child produced by two clones! In my opinion, it makes for some nice credits." I gasped in shock and pain. I stomped on his foot hard and punched his face. "You stay the hell away from my baby you son of a bitch!" He snarled and grabbed my throat tightly and shoved me into a wall. "We could have done this the easy way, but you just chose the hard way." I desperately gasped for air and struggled when his hand was about to touch my stomach.

Suddenly, a fist collides with the back of Bane's head, knocking him over. I gasped and coughed while I gentle pair of arms wrap themselves around me and pull me into a warm body. I looked up through blurry eyes to see Cody staring at me with a mixture of worry, relief, sadness, and a lot of anger. He pulled me into a protective embrace. "Rex, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I coughed a little. "How worry about me after you get rid of the bounty hunter?" He looked up to see Cad Bane smirking. "The baby with the pregnant clone plus the father, triple the payment." Cody held me closer and guarded my stomach. "You will not harm him nor my child so that you can make a profit!" Cody grabbed his blaster from my back and shot the bounty hunter, sending him to the floor.

I stared down at the Bane, then Cody. "C-Cody..." He shook his head and patted my back. "Relax, it was set to stun. He's merely unconscious. Now, are you okay?" I nodded weakly. "Just a little shaken." He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. He caressed my neck, which I could feel had finger-shaped bruises. Instead of freaking out about them, he leaned up and kissed every single one. Once finished, he pulled away and lifted my wrist, which was red and purple. He felt it before looking at me. "Not broken, just bruised. Maybe a little sprained." I nodded my head and curled up into him. "Can we get Bane out of here before he wakes up, please?" Cody stood up, set me in the chair, walked over to Bane, and picked him up. Just as he was leaving, I said, "Please hurry back." He gave me a single nod before leaving.

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