Author's note: Goodbye

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Hey guys. OceanEmily13 here. This announcement is going to be a bit of a bummer for a lot of you, but I've decided to retire from Wattpad. There's just been so many personal issues going on in my life. And to be honest I just don't have the same motivation to continue my fanfictions as I did years ago. I believe part of it is just me growing up and finding other interests. Don't get me wrong, I love Wattpad. It helped me through a dark time where I suffered and writing fanfictions helped me cope. But it's thanks to Wattpad that I'm now in a better place to move on and spread my wings. I'm not deleting my account or my stories. I'll keep it up in case I decide to come back. And of course so that you lovelies can still read and enjoy them. But, for now, it's time for me to explore more interests and move forward with my life.

Thank you all for following me, voting my works, and giving such unconditional support in my writing. You've all helped me grow into a better writer and I can't thank you enough.

See you all later!

Love Ya Lots,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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