Chapter Ten

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I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. That's all I could do nowadays. Ever since the attack from Bane, the five people that know of my pregnancy have been extra overprotective. At first, it was sweet and adorable; now I just want to strangle every single one of them. I still do jobs with General Skywalker, but Kix has suspended me from any activity in the field. Skywalker was grumpy about it at first, but Ahsoka managed to wear him down. Fives and Echo sadly had to return to Kamino since they're ARC troopers, but they said they would be able to make sure the Kaminoans didn't find out anything. Somehow, Kix managed to get something that could conceal my bump for a few more weeks. My stomach is getting bigger, and I'm not sure how much longer I can hide it.

Today, Cody and I would be finding out the gender of the baby. I was ecstatic. I've wanted to know ever since four months ago. That's right; I'm six months now. We would have found out sooner, but Kix was on a mission with General Skywalker and had been too busy with treated the wounded. Now, though, he was free to do it.

I grunted as I attempted to get up. I used three more attempts before I finally got up. I walked to the closet and grabbed my blacks. I stopped when I caught sight of the mirror. My hands ran over my larger bump, and I sighed. I can't keep living like this. Eventually, everyone is going to notice. I'm surprised General Skywalker hasn't even gotten suspicious. I haven't left yet because of Cody, but I can tell he's beginning to have thoughts about leaving. I looked down. "Baby, I think it's time to move," I whispered. I gasped in surprise when I felt a small kick in return. A kick. Kix said the baby should begin to move around and kick around this time.

Another small kick came, making my eyes water. I delicately pressed my hand on the side of my bump, causing a few more kicks. By now I am full on crying. The door opened, and I felt Cody run to my side instantly. "Rex! What's wrong?" He lifted my chin to face him but was shocked when he saw the joy on my face. I didn't say a word, just grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. Cody's confused looked soon changed into shock when he felt a soft kick. Kneeling down, Cody lifted my shirt and peppered my belly with kisses. I let out a small giggle when the baby started kicking where he kissed. When he pulled away, Cody had the brightest smile in the galaxy.

"Our baby's kicking," he whispered. He gave another kiss to my stomach before resting his forehead against it while I ran my fingers through his hair. We stayed like this for minutes, not caring how many; enjoying this moment with each other. His head tilted up to me, and I watched his hand grab something from a pocket. "Rex, I know this isn't the fanciest and romantic way to ask this, but considering what we've been through and what other obstacles will lie ahead, I feel I should do this now." He held out a small, velvet box. "I was going to do it when we had that week off, but Cad Bane interrupted it. So...," he inhaled deeply before speaking again, "Rex, I've never given the future much thought. I used to think it was pointless since we're clones. For four years, though, you've given me a new perspective. I love you so much; I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You're my light to this seemingly long and tortuous war. You're the love of my life, and now you're carrying the child we made together. So, Rex, will you marry me?" He opened the velvet box to reveal:

 So, Rex, will you marry me?" He opened the velvet box to reveal:

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