Chapter Five

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Three days we've been stuck on this planet. Three. Kriffing. Days.

Apparently, the Separatists were taking their time in their attack, which is very unusual for them. There was one battle that happened when we first arrived on Naboo, and it took a few good men away. A few times in the fight I slowed down, having a few moments of fatigue. Fives and Echo, though, always stayed close and covered me until I got back in action.

Once the battle was over, we set up a camp to rest and tend to the wounded. Late at night, I would secretly go into the med bay tent to take my pills that Kix kept for me. It was hard to sneak around the general, but it was worth not having to throw up every morning.

Right now it was that third day and still no sign of the droids. I patrolled the camp, looking for any danger. I then saw Fives and Echo walk up. 

"Hey Captain, what's up?" Fives asked. I shrugged and turned to him. 

"Nothing much. Patrolling, hungry, pregnant," I muttered the last word as we walked. 

Echo replied, "How's that going by the way?" 

I shrugged again, this time slightly forced. "It's alright. Still getting morning sickness, but Kix said that would end soon once I hit fourth months. I was able to see him or her the other day." Both of their faces lit up and Fives practically shouted, "That's great! How did it feel?" 

I quickly shushed him before smiling wide under my helmet, "It was incredible. I got to hear the heartbeat. I have a copy of it on a holodisk. It's in one of my pouches."

"You'll have to show it to us when we're alone," Echo demanded. 

I nodded assuringly, "Don't worry; I will." 

We walked around the camp in silence until I stopped. I grabbed my helmet and shook my head, feeling lightheaded. Fives and Echo were at my side in an instant. "Rex, what's wrong?" Fives questioned with his voice coated with concern. I took a few breaths before steadying myself. 

I shook my head confusingly, "I don't know. I've been feeling like this all day." 

"You need to go see Kix." Echo declared, but I waved my hand at him carelessly. 

"He's busy. He doesn't need to burden himself with me right now," I stated. 

I walked a few more steps before getting lightheaded again; this time I groaned and felt my knees shake before giving out. Fives quickly caught me and dragged me over to a nearby rock. When we sat down he took my helmet off; I took a few breaths, trying to calm my shaking body.

Echo knelt down in front of me and looked at my face. He noticed, "Rex, you have bags under your eyes." 

I attempted to nod at his comment, but I groaned when the movement made me even more lightheaded. "I haven't been able to sleep these three days. From guard duty to helping plan with the general," I admitted. Fives and Echo shared a look of concern; I rubbed my stomach with a shaky hand. 

Echo inspected me further before going wide-eyed and asking, "Rex...have you eaten at all these last few days?"

I blushed and looked down sheepishly; Fives jumped up, "Rex! You need to take better care of yourself! Your caring for two now." I huffed in irritation and glared at him as I snapped, "I know! It's not like I don't want to eat, I've just been busy and on edge about this mission! It's having me too kriffing stressed!" 

Fives' face softened and he grabbed my hand before rubbing my arm, "I'm sorry, Rex. I know you've been stressed, we're just worried about you and the kid, especially since you haven't eaten or slept in three days. Rex, you need to talk to Kix. This might also be a sign that it's time to stop going out into battle. If you don't stop now, you'll get yourself and the baby killed." 

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