Chapter Three

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I groaned loudly when I woke up. 

What happened? 

I opened my eyes slowly to see Kix, Fives, and Echo hovering over me with concerned faces.

"Wh-What happened?" I groaned out while trying to sit up. Kix, however, slowly pushed me back on the bed. 

"You...don't remember?" Fives asked while he and Echo shared a look.

I shook my head and said, "A-All I remember was Kix telling me..." I trailed off, however, with wide eyes and turned to Kix in alarm. 

"Please tell it's not true!" I pleaded; he looked down before his eyes looked at me with sympathy as he confirmed, "I'm sorry Rex, but you are pregnant." 

Suddenly, the whole room was spinning, and my breathing grew rapidly to the point where I couldn't breathe. Tears ran down my face like a waterfall as I started thinking of Cody and the whole Republic looking down at me with disgust.

"Rex. Rex! REX!" 

I snapped my head to the voice and saw Fives gripping my shoulders. "Rex, focus! You need to calm down and breathe. Okay? Breathe with me." My eyes looked around the room frantically, but Fives' eyes managed to regain my focus. After a while, I finally managed to start breathing normally, well, as normal as I could when I'm crying.

It had taken 30 minutes before I was finally calm; tears still coated my eyes, but for the most part, I was okay. 

I looked at Kix and demanded, "H-How is that possible? I'm a male. Not only that but a clone!"

"While you were unconscious I took a scan of your DNA and your pelvic area. It turns out you were right about feeling that something extra was in your body. When you were made, a defect in your DNA came into place, but in your sex cells. You have a female's reproductive system, along with a male's, that allowed you to get pregnant. The Kaminoans didn't see it when you first came out of the tube because, at that age, it was invisible; it hadn't developed yet. Now, it has developed." Fives, Echo, and I looked at Kix in shock. I wiped my eyes and looked down at my stomach.

The bump was barely visible but was still there. I gingerly placed my hand on it and swallowed thickly. 

I wondered, "How far along?" 

"About two months," Kix replied softly while I only nodded. 

For the first time since I woke up, Echo spoke, " are you going to do this? You can't go on the battlefield anymore. Not unless you want to kill your kid. You won't be able to hide the bump forever, and I'm pretty sure the Jedi will be able to sense the baby. There's also Cody. How are you going to tell him?" 

Fives glared at Echo and complained, "Do you have to list all of that?" 

Echo simply shrugged, "It's not like I want to, but these are questions that need to be dealt with now. We all know without a doubt that the whole thing will be a significant risk. However, I'm at Rex's side one hundred percent." 

I shrugged in agreement, "He's right Fives. If I keep this kid, it'll be a huge risk. I'll lose my rank as captain, I'll lose the ability to serve the Republic, and if the Kaminoans ever found out, they'll abort the kid no matter what."

All of them nodded sadly. Kix then placed a hand on my shoulder and asked, "Well Rex, it's your decision. What do you want to do?" 

I bit my lip and thought. If I keep this baby, then I'll risk losing it and my life. I don't know how Cody will react either. What if he doesn't want the kid and I'll have to be a single parent?

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