Chapter Seven

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Anakin's POV:

I walked into Rex's room with Master Yoda, Windu, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Fives, Echo, and Kix with me. I smiled once I saw he was awake. "Rex! You're awake. How are you feeling?" I didn't get a reply. He just looked out the window. We all shared a look, and Obi-Wan spoke, "Captain, did you hear us?" Kix stepped forward and checked his arm and leg. "His arm and leg are healing. It'll take about another two weeks for them to fully recover."

"Did you hear that Rex? You'll be up and move before you know it!" Fives exclaimed but frowned when there still wasn't a reply. Windu turned to us. "Something's wrong." I walked over to the other side of the bed where he was facing. "Rex?" I spoke quietly. I knelt down in front of him but was shocked at what I found.

Rex was crying. He had tears streaming down his face, and his eyes looked like he was a thousand miles away. "Rex? What's wrong?" He still didn't answer. I slowly reached out a hand to him. After no reaction, I slowly touched his shoulder, and it was like I flipped a switch.

Rex flinched away and looked at me in fear. He then looked around the room and started to panic. Fives and Echo ran over to hold him down. "Rex! Calm down! It's just us! We're not here to hurt you."


I was staring at the window, thinking. At first, I was trying not to let the Jedi see my tears, but I ended zoning out to what happened with Cody. How could he just leave me? Maybe he didn't run out on me; maybe he just needs air like he said. After all, I did pass out when I first found out. It is a lot to process. But still, I don't want to sound like a needy person, but my hormones are going crazy. I've been facing his pregnancy without him for four months, and now he's back, but then he just left again. It made me feel abandoned.

I then thought to what happened with Count Dooku. Why is he trying to get me? Did he find out about the baby? That's impossible. The only people that know are Kix, Fives, Echo, and now Cody. Kix, Fives, and Echo would NEVER tell the Separatists, and Kix erases all the ultrasounds from the databank so after he takes them. The only copy of the ultrasound that exists is the one I had in one of my pouches in my armor. It's been with me for the whole time. So how?

At least he didn't get his filthy hands on me. Thanks to the generals and Senator Amidala. Next time I see her, I'll have to thank her. 

All this stress is all just too much. Why did I ever think to keep this baby while still being a soldier was a good idea? I should have listened to Kix and stopped going into the field right when I found out. Then I could have avoided getting hurt and putting my baby's life in danger.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I jumped up and looked around, thinking Dooku got me. I panicked and shook the hand off. I tried to get up, but someone held me down. I struggled against the hands, but then I heard s voice say, "Rex! Calm down! It's just us! We're not here to hurt you." I blinked a few times before finally realizing where I was. I panted and looked around to see the Jedi, Fives, Echo, and Kix staring at me. No Dooku. I panted and held my head in my hand, trying to wake myself up. "G-Generals I...I'm so sorry. I-I thought that was Dooku who grabbed me." I looked down ashamed, waiting to be scolding for my uncalled for behavior.

"Rex." I looked up slowly, only to be surprised when I saw gentle and understanding faces than angry and disappointed. General Skywalker gave a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to apologize for, Rex. I didn't mean to startle you." I turned to General Kenobi, who spoke next, "We just wanted to make sure you were alright. You went through quite an ordeal." I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Cody told me right before you came in." Kenobi nodded and looked around. "I see. Where is Cody by the way?" I looked down and cleared my throat. "He, uh, h-he left. I mean, he went to the mess hall. He was hungry." Everyone seemed to buy the lie; everyone except Kix, Fives, Echo, General Skywalker, and Ahsoka. The three brothers looked at each other with knowing and quite angry looks, while Skywalker and Ahsoka looked like they wanted some answers.

General Skywalker was about to ask a question when Yoda interrupted. "Leave Rex to rest; we will. Ask questions later; we will." All of them left except Ahsoka, who looked back at the group of Jedi. "Can I stay in here with Rex and the others for a bit?" They all looked at me for approval, and I nodded. "It's alright; she can stay." They nodded and left while Ahsoka closed the door and sat in a chair.

"Now, tell me what's going on." I swallowed and tried not to look nervous. "T-Tell you what?" She threw her hands up. "Are you kidding me? You think I'm that oblivious? Rex, I've seen the way you've been acting. You eat more, are more emotional than ever, always going to see Kix in the med bay, you've been gaining weight, and I saw you crying into Echo and Fives' shoulders on Naboo. Come on Rex, tell me what's going on." I choked on a sob. Those were the exact words Cody had said before he rushed out to me.

I shook my head. "I-I can't. You'll think I'm a freak." She looked at me like I was stupid. I probably was. "Rex, I would never believe you're a freak. I want to help you. Please?" I bit my lip and looked at my three brothers, who nodded at me to tell her.

"I'm pregnant with Cody's child," I whispered quietly, but by the shocked look on her face, she heard me. "What? How?" I rubbed my head. "A change in my DNA I've had since I was made. I have a female's reproductive system as well as a male's. I'm four months." She processed the information for two minutes before quietly asking, "Can I see?" I nodded and peeled the blanket off, revealing my bump. It was clearly visible now. I wouldn't have a way to hide it anymore.

Ahsoka slowly reached out her hand and looked at me, asking for permission. I hesitantly nodded and watched as her hand slowly touched my stomach. She stopped when I flinched slightly, but continued when I reassured her I was fine. She started rubbing it gently, which made me crack a small smile. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fives, Echo, and Kix smiling at the little moment while taking their spots on the bed.

Eventually, Ahsoka pulled away and turned to me with a smile. "Does this mean I'm an aunt?" I laughed and covered my stomach. "If you want." Her smile brightened, and she hugged me. "I'm so happy for you Rex! You'll be a great parent." I blushed a light pink and hugged her back. "Thank you Ahsoka; you don't know how much that means to me right now. Just promise you won't tell anyone?" She nodded once we pulled away. "I promise I won't. Who else knows by the way?"

My three brothers raise their hands. "We did. We've been with Rex since the beginning. Kix is his doctor now and has been able to get Rex personal pregnancy stuff without anyone noticing. Echo and I have been his emotional support and have been making sure any data about his pregnancy on the computers are erased. Being that we are ARC troopers, we can do it without anyone noticing." Ahsoka was in awe of them. I laughed. "Yeah, they've certainly been the best. Cody also knows as well.

Echo looked at me. "What happened to him by the way?" I sighed and leaned against Ahsoka, who was rubbing my back. "I told him I was pregnant and he just sat there. He didn't move for five minutes until got up, saying he needed some air, and left the room. He hasn't been back since." All of them, even Ahsoka scowled. Ahsoka pulled me into her for a hug, in which I nuzzled in closer, seeking the comfort. Echo, Fives, and Kix all got up and walked to the door. I jumped and felt tears fill my eyes again. "W-Where are you going?" Fives quickly ran up and rubbed my side. "We'll be right back. We're just going to find Cody, alright? See where he went." I sniffed and looked at them before nodding and nuzzling back into Ahsoka.

They then left, and I was left silently sobbing into Ahsoka's shoulder while she rubbed my back.

By the way, the picture up top is the version of Ahsoka in my story.

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