Chapter Fourteen

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Kix's POV:

I was in the med-bay onboard the Resolute reviewing medical reports I had just written. The 501st just came back from a mission that left some...unwanted scars on everyone, even the Jedi. We had a lot of casualties and injured men, and I am writing medical reports on the men that are currently injured or have been healed. Once sure that all the information was valid, I published them and got to work on writing more medical reports. Before I started typing again, I paused. I closed my eyes and let out a long, fatigued sigh.

I looked around the med-bay to see it was empty; I bit my lip and grabbed my holocaller. I walked over to the door and locked it before walking back into my office and calling Rex. It took awhile to connect since Rex was on the opposite side of the Outer Rim than we were, but eventually he answered and the face of the pregnant captain appeared in front of me. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Kix?" He asked, in confusion and disbelief. I chuckled and crossed my arms while mimicking his eyebrow, " in the flesh. What? Just because you're 'dead' means I'm not going to nag you about your health? Well, think again, dear captain."

Rex rolled his eyes, but his lips curled into a smile nonetheless. "It's nice to see you again, Kix. I've missed you, vod," he sighed. My smile turned a little sad as I asked, "Same here, bud. How's the baby doing?" Rex sighed and, what looked like, rubbed his stomach.

"She's fine. She's moving around a lot and kicking relentlessly, which causes me to not sleep as well; I guess I shouldn't complain that much, it means she's alive and well, even if it means assaulting my bladder," he informed, making my body shake as I quietly laughed.

I replied, "Sadly, that'll be normal for a while, especially since you are in your seventh month." Rex nodded in agreement before I asked, "So, have you been taking your meds like I ordered you to?" Before Rex could answer, Cody stepped into the frame and said, "He fights it everyday, but I manage to wear him down enough to take them."

Rex glared at his fiancé and smacks him on the arm before turning back to me with a sheepish look, to which I responded with, "Rex, you know you have to take them. I'm not around all the time anymore to remind you, so you need to be responsible enough to take them on your own. I know that you don't like them, but they will help in the long-run." Rex sighed and nodded, "I know."

I smiled proudly, "Good. Besides Fives and I want to be able to visit our little niece." Rex and Cody chuckled; I didn't even notice what I said until Rex looked at me with wide eyes. "Wait, what about Echo?" he asked.

I froze with wide eyes before sighing sadly, "I'm sorry Rex, but there was a mission. One where General Kenobi, General Skywalker, Commander Tano, and selected clones from the 501st and 212th, including Fives and Echo, had to go to the Citadel to rescue General Piell and the leftover of his crew. After finding them, the Jedi split up in different directions, which led to them defeating battle droids and trying to get on the ship or at least leave. Echo picked up a droid's plasma shield and made his way to the ship, but before anyone could stop him, it was too late. Echo died when the ship exploded."

I watched Rex's face change with various emotions, but the tears escaping his eyes were the same. Cody was in shock and was devastated, but quickly rubbed Rex's back and shoulders gently, attempting to comfort and even more devastated Rex.

After a few minutes, Rex looked up at me with glossy eyes and a broken face, making my heart shatter a little. "Did...did they find a body?" He questioned with the smallest voice I had ever heard his voice make. I bit my lip and shook my head, "There was no time. If they had more time, they would've, but it was either they got out right then or join Echo. I'm sorry, Rex." Rex nodded meekly and wiped some tears off his face.

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