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Anthony's POV

I took a full body mirror selfie and put it on my snapchat story with the caption:

"First day at new school🙄💤"

After that, I put my coat on and swung my bag over my shoulder. I said goodbye to my parents and left the house.

The bus stop was only a five minute walk from my house so I got there quite quickly.

When I got there, a few people stood there, barely talking.

They were in two groups.

In one group, A boy with bright orange hair stood with two average-height brown haired boys. One had glasses, one did not.

One of the boys, the slightly shorter of the two, had his arm around a girl with bright purple hair. Another boy stood with them, he had dark skin and big glasses. He was quite tall too.

Another girl stood with them but she didn't seem like she was paying much attention. She had her earphones in and was doing something on her phone, ignoring and distancing herself from the others. She was blonde and very pretty.

In the other group, a tall, silver-haired brute stood with another brute, a shorter one. They stood with a dark skinned boy and a boy with glasses, they were messing about.

With them stood two girls, both very short. One had short black hair and glasses. The other was Asian and had long black her. She was amazing.

I stood there and goggled at the Asian girl for a second before noticing another boy at the bus stop.

This boy was all alone, fully separate from everyone else. He was stood under the bus shelter with his hood up.

He had earphones in but he wasn't on his phone. Instead he was looking longingly towards the sea.

I felt bad for the kid, he looked depressed or something. I wanted to make friends with him but I wanted to know who to choose.


The bus pulled up and everyone piled in. The squad with the gorgeous Asian girl sat at the back, the other squad sat at the front so me and the lonely kid ended up sitting in the middle.

We had to share a three-seater but I didn't mind.


The bus arrived at school and everyone got out. I stepped out and was about to head off to registration, when I remembered I didn't know where it was.

I asked the tall, dark skinned boy with big glasses if he knew where my class was.

He took the slip of paper that I had that said 17BN on it, studying it carefully.

"Oh yeah. You're in my homeroom. Follow me." He said.

I followed him and the average height, dark haired boy. After a while of silence, the dark haired boy spoke up.

"Are you the new kid?" He said.

"Yeah." I replied, timidly.

"Oh, I'm Josh." He stopped, holding out his hand.

"Hi Josh." I said, shaking his hand.

young dumb & broke- smosh high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now