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(Btw if I say some lessons that they don't have in America ignore me. I'm British and I don't know)

Anthony's POV

Registration finished and I left the room with Amra and Josh.

As we were walking away from our class, I realised I didn't actually know what class I was in next, so I checked my timetable.

"Uhhh... do any of you guys have history next?" I said.

"Ah, no. Sorry bud." Amra said.

"We're in Geography." Josh said.

"Well do you guys know where room 4a is?" I said, really confused and lost.

"4a?.. 4a. 4a. 4." Amra was definitely in deep thought. "Oh yeah if course, your class is near ours. Come on, we'll take you."


A little while later, Josh and Amra dropped me off at my class and I waved them goodbye as I walked into my history room.

I recognised a couple of people, but not the majority.

I recognised the pretty blonde girl, the really buff guy (the shorter of the two) the guy with bright orange hair and the gorgeous Asian girl; all from the bus.

My heart skipped a beat when I noticed her. But I played it off cool... kind of... (I had an anxiety attack and nearly threw up).

I approached the teacher, a man in his late twenties/early thirties, and asked him where I should sit because I'm new.

"Oh yes of course the principal told me all about you."

"Uhhhh, there's two spare seats. I'll let you choose. I'm Mr Bereta by the way." He said "you can either sit next to David at the front, or next to Olivia at the back."

He gestured to the kid with bright orange hair sat at the front, then he gestured to the stunning Asian girl, sat at the back.

My heart fell into my stomach as I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to sit next to her but I knew I'd get really bad anxiety and I'd panic a lot.

"I'll sit next to David thanks." I said as I walked over to the kid.

I sat down next to him, he was drawing a picture of a unicorn on his planner.

"Uh, hi." I said "You're David aren't you? Well I'm Anthony"

"Don't call me by my real name!" He shouted at me.

I flinched and looked at him as if he was a mad man.

"Sorry, call me Davidius, Tiberius the third." He smiled proudly.

"Yeah I'm not calling you that." I said

"Well do not speak to me." He said, and continued to draw his unicorn.


A few minutes later, Mr Bereta introduced me and the lesson started. We were learning about Christopher Columbus.

young dumb & broke- smosh high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now