Happy (late) birthday J-Hope! (and other things)

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So I know this is really quite late but I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY J-HOPE!!! 

I know I've missed out on quite a few of the member's birthdays (don't think I don't know them because I do ^ω^) but I'm going to try and post on their birthdays this year (yay)

I would make a scenario for his birthday but I think I did that last year and plus I honestly can't be bothered at the moment.

But yeah :)

PLEASE PLEASE request scenarios or imagines via messages. A few people are requesting just by saying "hi can I request a scenario?" and when I say "sure what about" they don't reply ( ̄へ ̄)

Don't even ask if you can request one because the answer is yes!!

I need details in the messages though so please don't be vague... I just need like the main idea.

Thanks for reading and please be patient with my updating schedule as it's extremely slow. But I haven't forgotten about this book.

Okay bye for now :)

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