Who is it

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"I'm sorry, can you repeat that Rebbie?" Michael Jackson says to his older sister. She growls under her breath and Michael could tell she was getting fed up with his lack of attention.

"I said," She enunciated with annoyance."don't forget about family day next week. Mother will be crushed if you don't show up again and you already know how upset she gets when the family doesn't come together."

Michael rubs the corners of his eyes in a circler motion."I know—I know. I'll be there this time." He utters in a low tone.

"Don't say you'll come and you don't, Michael. I won't cover for you again."

"Rebbie, I will be there." He said slowly.

"We'll see." She muttered, doubtfully before ending the call.

Michael pulls the phone away from his ear and stuffs it into his pocket. He glances out the window and slowly sits up straight when he notices two suspicious men walking behind Denise. He thought, maybe they were just walking in the same direction as her until he noticed one of the men reaching in his jacket and pulling out an object. A voice in his head told him something wasn't right and he needed to act quick.

Michael leans forward and says."...Wilbert, quick, pull up right there and tell that woman in the black coat to get inside."

Wilbert stares confusingly at his boss through the rearview mirror then hesitantly does as told. He stops the car, steps outside, and politely asks Denise to get into the vehicle.

Michael watched as she shot Wilbert a mean look, then, to his surprise, actually climbs inside.

The car pulls off the sidewalk and she murmurs,"Look Jonny, I was only gone for a short period of time. You didn't have to come after me." Confused, Michael raises a brow and just stares at her without responding.

He wondered why she just willingly agreed to get into a stranger's car. Was she really that gullible?

Putting two and two together, Michael answers his own question.

Denise turns her head and glares at him and he quickly connects his eyes with hers."And what's with the stupid sunglasses and hat?" Michael frowns then looks down, glimpsing at his outfit. He returned his eyes to hers and that's when she roughly snatched his fedora and Ray-Bans off him then flings them down to his lap."You look like a damn fool..." Denise's tongue becomes caught in her throat when she and Michael exchanged looks.

Michael already knew what came next: the screaming, the crying, the hyperventilating, and who could forget about the fainting? It didn't really matter to him. All he hoped for was that she didn't vomit.

With an arched brow, Michael stares intensely at her, waiting for her reaction.

"You are definitely not Jonny." She finally speaks after a long minute of a game of the staring contest. Slapping a hand over her mouth, Denise gasps at the most famous man in the world sitting before her."I...am...so sorry." Her hands leave her face and travel down to his lap, intending to pick up his glasses and hat."I-I thought you were someone else--"

Michael wraps a hand around her wrist to stop her then lightly smiles at her blushing face."It's fine. Really..." In unison, their eyes move down to his lap, where her palm was placed flatly against his inner thigh.

He releases his firm hold on her wrist just as she quickly pulls it away. She swallows then shyly reconnects her eyes with his. He was looking at her with fiery eyes, but the rest of his face showed calmness.

"You should be careful walking these streets alone, at night." He softly said with concern."Before I picked you up, two men were following right behind you." Her eyes widen and he continues."Probably waiting for an alley to approach so they could--" He stops."It's just awfully dangerous for you to be out here in these streets with no one with you."

Denise faces forward, feeling more than grateful. She could've been assaulted or worst if he never had stopped her. She soon felt mushy just at the thought of Michael Jackson caring about her wellbeing. He was actually a nice man. Nothing like a irritating, narcissist--

"Don't you have...like a guy that's supposed to be with you?" He inquired and she turns her head to look at him."Your pimp?"

Denise raises a brow and fully turns her body to him."Excuse me? What did you just say?"

"Shouldn't your pimp be looking after you while you're walking these streets?" He questions and she narrowed her eyes at him."Making sure nothing happens to you?"

She faces forward and nods her head while rubbing her lips together. She shrugs her shoulders."Yeah I do. You know what, I'm actually surprised he hasn't opened fire on your car yet. He just hates when I waste my street hours on clowns like you." She said nonchalantly. Michael leans back, brows knitted together, frowning deeply at her.

"Yoo-hoo." She calls, staring at Wilbert through the rearview mirror."Honey, can you stop the car? I'll like to get out." Wilbert's eyes move over to Michael and she says."What are you looking at him for? I don't need his permission to leave. Stop the damn car."

The car comes to a halt and she pushes the door open then steps out and starts to walk down the sidewalk. She was even further from the hotel and was really lost now.

Michael strolls up beside her."Wait, miss--I didn't mean to offend you."

"Of course you didn't." She said, paying no attention to him. She wished a dozen fans would notice him and carry him away from her, but because of the darkness and his glasses and hat, everyone around went on with their day.

She rolls her eyes up to the sky when he walks in front of her and blocks her path."Look, I know you're upset with me, but I still don't think you should be walking around alone."

"I'm only a couple minutes away." She hoped.

"And imagine what could happen in those couple of minutes." He states and she crosses her arms and looks away."Just let me drop you off at wherever you're staying. It's the least I can do."

She cuts her eyes back to his to find him lightly smiling at her."Please?"

She pursed her lips then turned and made her way back to the SUV. Wilbert opens the door and she slides inside with Michael right after.

"And where will the next destination be?" Wilbert asked, clicking on his seatbelt.

"The Starling Hotel." Denise answered, crossing her legs.

"That won't be necessary, Will." Michael begins, his eyes locked on hers."Laguna, please. I want to apologize properly with dinner."

"What? No." She disagrees, shaking her head."I need to get to the Starling Hotel now. Your little apology outside was enough."

Michael cocks his head to the side and gives her one of his famous smiles."Come on. You know you want to." He teased, leaning closer to her."Just one hour."

"...Thirty minutes." She corrected him, biting back a smile and pushing him away.

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