Who is it

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"Mr. Jackson?" Wilbert called, entering Denise's apartment.

He walks down the hall and finds Michael sitting down on the couch, twirling something shiny in between his fingers.

"Uh, Mr. Jackson?" He says, walking closer."Is there anything else we need to take?"

Michael was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't even notice Wilbert.

All he could do was piece everything together.

He shook his head and could only think about how stupid he was to actually fall for her lies.

How couldn't he have known Denise was cheating on him?

All the clues were there:

She could only see him after midnight on weekdays.

She didn't want him to know where she lived or where she worked.

She was always in a hurry during a certain time.

"Are you all right sir?"

"No, I'm not." Michael finally spoke, rising from the couch. He wipes away his tears then turns to Wilbert."Have Bill and Rolland bring Denise's belongings back to her apartment."

Wilbert was taken aback and confused by his sudden change in behavior."...Sir, are you sure?"

"Yes." He said calmly, staring down at the sliver card.

Wilbert was hesitant as he followed through with his boss's demand.

He tucks his phone away in his pocket and stares at him."If you don't mind me asking, but why have you changed your mind?"

Michael sighs before muttering audible,"She's cheating on me."

"How do you know?"

Michael passed the card to Wilbert so he can examine it.

"Mr. Jackson," He began with an apologetic sigh as Michael searched the living room for anymore clues."this could mean absolutely anything--"

He goes up to the desktop and pulls open the drawer that behold a whole stash of identical silver cards. Except, each one had a different name.

"There's more..." Michael's voice cracked and Wilbert came up to the desktop.

"Oh..." He murmured, staring down at the cards. Michael's head dropped as he turned to walk away."Mr. Jackson, I think I have a clue on what these cards mean."

He stops and turns to face him. Clearly interested in knowing."What?"

"Denise isn't just cheating on you. She's a call girl."

"She's a what?" Michael said with squinted eyes. His head slightly tilted to the side."How do you know?"

"I'm ashamed to admit it, but I used to chauffeur call girls to their clients." He holds up a card."They would use these cards to identify themselves. Obviously, she used different identities. Meaning, she's had several clients."

Michael inhaled a deep breath of frustration. He was furious, heart broken and confused.

The love he had for Denise didn't exist anymore. It was now replaced with hatred.


Denise walked through the door of the studio glowing from head to toe.

Two words was all she had to utter and she would finally be free from Nova and the business.

No more harassment. No more pampering up. No more clients. No more Nova.

"Wow, you're finally on time." Lois clapped, chewing on a twizzler."It's a miracle."

Denise moved her eyes around the room."Where's Nova?"

"She's not here yet." She said, standing from the chair."Have a seat, love." Lois attempted to do her signature fingering snapping to let the crew know it was time, but Denise stopped her.

"That isn't necessary, Lois." Denise said and Lois frowned in reaction."I quit."

Lois' eyes buck."Wait, what?"

"I'm done with this depressing ass job. I can't take it anymore." Denise said proudly."Can you do me a favor and give the message to Nova? Thank you."

She leaves the studio and skips down the sidewalk, smiling from ear to ear. She never felt so free.

She pulls out her phone and calls Michael but he doesn't answer.

Assuming he was too busy, she decides to take a cab to Neverland.

"Hey, Phil, can you let me in." She said to the security guard at the gate.

"I can't do that, ma'am."

"Well, then I'm gonna have to climb the gate." She joked."Seriously, let me in."

"I can't do that." He said with a more stern tone of voice.

She frowned, realizing he wasn't playing around."Why not? I need to see Michael. I'm supposed to be leaving with him. My name should be on the list of people who are allowed to come in."

"Mr. Jackson isn't here, Denise." Phil informed her."And your name is no longer on the list. Actually, it's on the opposite."

Denise was lost."What?"

"Please, leave. I don't want to have to escort you off the premises myself." He warned.

Denise back away from the gate then climbed back into the cab. She knew where to go.

Arriving to Wilbert's house, Denise knocks on his door impatiently.

He opens a slot in the door."Denise?"

"I need to speak to Michael. I know he's here. Please let me in."

He shakes his head."He isn't. He left half an hour ago."

Her heart sinks."Wha--Why did he leave without me?" Her voice cracks mid sentence.

Wilbert disappears and Denise was a second away from turning to leave when a dozen of silver nameplates spill out from the slot in the door.

This time her heart literally broke.

She stared down at the nameplates then glanced back up at a disappointed Wilbert through the slot.

She rubbed her lips together then stepped off the steps and turned and left.


The moment Denise enters the transformation studio all eyes are immediately set upon her.

By the look of her face, they knew why she was back.

Lonnie came up to her, shook his head, then left the room.

Nova did so as well. But instead of mimicking Lonnie, she backhands Denise.

Her blue eyes follow Denise's figure as she quietly takes her seat in the vanity chair.

No words were uttered during her whole preparation for her next identity.

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