Who is it

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(Three years later)

"Michael!!! Lisa! Look this way please!" The paparazzi shouted. Their cameras clicking vigorously, aiming to get a perfect shot of the couple before they enter the hospital.

"Hi, hello." Michael greets the few hospital staff with a warm smile and a handshake.

He stops in front of the chief physician and smiles apologetically."Dr. Calloway, I just want to apologize for the whole paparazzi mess outside--"

"Michael, please," His thin lips stretch into a gentle smile."I know how those vultures can be. Especially when it comes to you." He looks around the room."Someone here just couldn't keep their mouth shut."

Michael sighs exasperated."That and they know my every move before I even make it."

Dr. Calloway chuckles."Of course. Well...let's go bring sunshine to some patients, shall we?"

The ill children were the first to begin with. Gifts were brought to them, along with signed autographs by Michael. Some were also signed by Lisa.

Michael read stories to them and also sang a few of his songs. He loved seeing the sparkle in their eyes and their faces lighting up with bright smiles.

Next were the patients diagnosed with life threatening diseases.

Michael and Lisa follow the plump, dark-skinned nurse to the first room that is near. They quietly walk in and see a patient laying in the hospital bed with her back turned to them.

"Deni, you have a special visitor." The nurse goes across the room to open the blinds.

The patient lazily sits up and rubs her eyes."Is it Lois?" She groggily asks. Then her eyes fall on Michael. The man she thought she would never see again, standing just a few feet from her.

She blinks her eyes repeatedly then pinches herself twice. She thought she was dreaming about him again.

Her eyes widen in disbelief and she shook her head, realizing he was actually standing in the same room as her.

Now she wished she really was hallucinating.

The brown, fluffy teddy bear falls from Michael's hand as he just stares back at her with a dropped jaw. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to. His heart rate was speeding up as he realized it really was her.


The girl he was once in love with. The girl that lied to him. Who used him.

She looked way different than the last time Michael saw her. She looked weak and fragile. She was much thinner and her black curly hair now stopped just at her shoulders.

She was connected to an oxygen machine and had an IV in her right arm.

Why was she in this area of the hospital? He suddenly thought.

"Michael?" Lisa called and he jumps back into reality. She cups a hand around his face."You okay, honey?"

He looks at her."Y-Yeah." He cleared his throat."I'm fine." He leans down to pick up the stuffed bear.

"This sweetheart right here is Denise." The nurse introduces."She's one of my favorite patients." She throws her a wink and Denise wearily smiles at her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is it you are suffering from?" Asked Lisa.

Michael glanced over at Lisa with furrowed brows.

He understood she wasn't familiar with hospital visits but he assumed she at least knew not to question patients about their health.

Denise looks from Michael to Lisa and exhales, she didn't want to say it and Michael could easily tell by her face.

"Lisa, nurse Sonny, can I have a minute alone with Denise?" Michael asked and Lisa left the room along with nurse Sonny.

Michael watched the door close then slowly looked back at Denise.

He sat down on the bed and lightly smiled, holding up the bear."This is for you."

A small smile comes to her lips and she pulls it onto her lap."Thank you." Her eye scan him."You look good."

"You do, too." Michael said. He meant it too. She was still beautiful in his eyes."I like this new look." He played with her hair.

She raised her brows."You don't think this hospital look is a little too much?"

"No." He lets out a real chuckle which makes her smile widen.

She nods at the door."That was your wife?"

"You know she is."

"I wanted to hear you say it yourself." She responds."You know I don't trust the media when they talk about you."

He licks his lips then nods at the IV in her arm."How long have you been in here?"

She fidgeted with the bear's arms."Three months." She looks up at him and he notices her eyes are glistening with tears."So what do you want to know first? What I'm dying from? Or why I betrayed you?"

"Denise, I--" He stops then looks up at her, taking in what she had just said."You're dying?"

"I've been dead, Michael." She said, forcing a chuckle."But that's another story. I just want you to know, it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I should have told you everything when things became serious between us but I couldn't, and I regret it." She placed her hand on top of his and tears rolled down her cheeks."I'm so sorry, Michael."

He pulls his hand away and wipes her tears."I fell in love with you in under a month Denise. And just from that I knew I wanted to start a future with you." He suddenly frowns."Why were you into that shit anyway?"

"My father's ex-wife had control over me since the very day he was put into the ground. To her I was her property, her slave. She was the one that forced me into it. I wanted to quit Michael, God I wanted to but I had no one and no where else to go. I would have just been stranded on the streets."

"You could've told me the day we met Denise. I would have helped you."

She faced forward and scoffed."You would've just thought I was using you and your money like you thought when you found out everything."

Silence filled the room.

Without looking at him she asks,"Don't you want to know what's killing me?"

Michael shook his head."I don't." It'll kill him if he knew what it was.

She rubbed her lips together then reconnected her eyes with his.

"I have AIDS."

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