Who is it

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Michael and Denise are now sitting on the rooftop of a five-star restaurant, devouring their mouth-watering meals underneath the full bright moon and twinkling stars.

Denise was aware that she was going against one of Nova's important rules: no full meals before meeting with a client. But she was starving and was definitely taking advantage of this free dinner.

"What's your name?" Michael finally asked since they've encountered.

Denise reached over and clasped her hand around the glass."Denise." She answers."And yours?"

Michael beams at her."Michael."

"You know what?" She snaps her fingers."I could've mistaken you for someone named Prince."

He gave a sly grin to her comment."No. I'm a King."

She laughs but it doesn't leave her lips."Cocky aren't you?"

He shrugs."Confident."

She points her fork at him."Conceited." He chuckles and she wipes her mouth with a napkin."So is this like an everyday thing for you?"

Michael makes a confused face, not following her question.

"...Randomly picking women off the streets and taking them to expensive dinners?" She adds.

He shook his head."No. Actually this is the first time I've done this."

"I don't believe you." She said truthfully.

He scoffed."Why not?"

"Michael, I know you know that you are quite the ladies man. You could literally have any woman you want."

He looks down at his meal and bites down on his bottom lip to keep from smiling."I don't believe that's true, Denise."

"You have the look, the personality, the voice." She listed."Michael you could just smile and women would practically be drenched and dazed."

His eyes slowly travel up to hers."...would you be?"

She chuckles, leaning closer."What does it matter to you?"

"I'm just wondering. If I were to smile right now, would you be drenched and dazed?"

She folds her arms on the table and said in a low seductive tone,"Michael if you were to smile at me right now, I would let you have your way with me on this very table."

That statement caught Michael completely off guard. Even though he couldn't tell if she were being serious or not, what she said got to him real good.

He swallowed and watched her stand from her seat and slide her trench coat on.

She ties it closed then pressed her palms on the table and stared him down."I thoroughly appreciate the dinner, Michael, but I really need to get to my hotel room now."

She tilted her head back when he stood up and towered over her.

"What's the important reason you have to leave so soon?" He asks, closing the small space between their bodies.

"I have a date." She answers waiting for him to give her space but he doesn't budge.

"How disrespectful to leave in the middle of a date to go on a different date."

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