Who is it

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"I don't think that's a good idea." Wilbert said softly.

"Then get out. I'll take myself." Michael reached over to open the door but Wilbert stopped him.

He sighed then pulled out of the parking lot. During the ride, Michael removed all of his disguise as much as he could.

Arriving at their destination, Michael tells Wilbert to wait outside then enters the place.

Completely ignoring the adults gasping and pointing at him, Michael approached a wide, U-shaped brown desk.

"Is there anyone by the name of Nova that works here?" He asked the woman sitting behind the counter.

With wide eyes she sputters."Oh my God, you're—"

He cuts her off."Yes, I am. Can you please tell me if there's a Nova that works here?"

"Uh—yes, yes." The secretary quickly slipped back into professional mode."She's in her office at the moment." She pointed at the door to the left."Would you like me to—uh sir?" Michael didn't even allow her to finish.

He unexpectedly barged into Nova's office and she jumps, startled.

"Who the hell—" She stops and curses in her language at the widely known celebrity before her."Michael Jackson." She beams."What a surprise. What are you doing here in my office?"

Michael closes the door behind him then inches closer to the glass, L-shaped desk.

"Are you here for one of my girls?"

"Yes, I am."

She reached for the phone but he stopped her then placed his palms upon the spotless glass and stared her down.

"...But not exactly what you think for."

She blinked at him."I don't understand—"

"I know all about you Nova."


"I know all about your devious ways." He started off, staring deep into her poison soul."I know what you do to these young girls, I know what gets you off, and I know what you've done to Denise."

Insulted, she stood up and pointed at the door."You don't know shit. Now get out."

"What is it you like about young girls Nova? Hmm? You like that you intimidate them? That you make them squirm just at the sound of your voice? Or is it that you like them squirming at your touch?"

"I'm not gonna tell you again—"

"Tell me Nova!" He hollered."How you enjoyed sneaking into Denise's room after her father would pass out. How you would crawl under her blanket and molest her; make her feel like she was worthless."

"I swear—" She tried to walk around her desk but Michael instantly blocked her.

"It gotten even easier when her father died. You no longer had to sneak around, all you had to do was call her into the room, or slam her to the floor."

"Shut up!" She shoved him but he didn't budge.

"You made her feel as if it was her fault you did all those things to her. You even told her she was the reason her father died. You fucked her up, Nova. But that wasn't enough for you. You grew tired of her when she hit twenty and that's when you forced her into this call girl business."

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