Chapter 1

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The sliver of moon rose for the last time before the dark moon, it's silver light barely illuminating the clouded navy sky. Maddy sighed sadly. She couldn't help but cast her mind back to when her and Rhydian had stolen the trophy during detention. She remembered the happiness she had felt, how funny it had been. She couldn't stop the thoughts running through her brain. Soon she was thinking how much she missed him, their last goodbye, how she had no clue where he was...
No! She screamed in her head as the tears streamed down her rosy cheeks. It had been two years since they had last seen each other, but Maddy still missed him, as well as Tom and Shan. The hope that rustled  in her stomach prevented her from moving on, in addition to the clear faces that were imprinted in her brain. Fearing that she might forget their appearance, Maddy thought of them everyday; partly on purpose, partly accidentally. She protected her happy memories like she did her few possessions, and could remember every moment, joyful and sad, the pack had shared. Despite her longing to see them again, she did not use Eolas, in case it made her feel even more lonely.
Maddy sighed again, and slowly got to her feet, brushing off the leaves that ha settled on her clothes impatiently.
There was a crack of footsteps, and Maddy hurriedly and ferociously rubbed her eyes to eliminate all signs of tears.
"Maddy?" Jana's smooth voice, though barely above a whisper, smothered the surrounding forest. "Are you ok?" She asked.
"Yes thanks, nature called, that's all." She lied as she approached her friend. Looking quizzically at Maddy, Jana stared at her a while, and though she nodded, se continued to bite her lip; she didn't believe Maddy's story.
 Jana was constantly checking up on Maddy; she knew how badly she had felt about leaving Stoneybridge, and Jana could tell that she felt still felt guilty. Jana was the only wild wolfblood that protected the Smiths, and Maddy knew that she had to keep being friendly to her. Their bond had grew, and Maddy now loved her wild friend as much as Tom and Shan. Moreover, Jana was one of the few links back to her life in Stoneybridge, making her even more vital to Maddy's survival.
Their was an awkward silence.
"Well, we run out of toilet paper ages ago." Joked Jana, desperately trying to cheer Maddy up. Maddy's lips curled slightly, and Jana sighed pitifully, pulling Maddy into a hug.
"It'll be ok, Maddy" she whispered, as Maddy placed her head on Jana's shoulder. "It will all be ok."

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