Chapter 6

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Maddy froze in her tracks, the proposition startling her slightly. Biting her lip, he eyes scoured the forest around her, looking anywhere but at Jana. The wind rustling through the leaves sounded like the excited whisper of children as they decide what to do. Maddy wished they really were telling her whether to agree or not. After a short pointless argument in her head, Maddy came to the conclusion that they would come either way. If she refused, Jana would inform them of her plan, so they would follow. Moreover, Maddy realised, Jana was right; the point of this was to get her whole pack back, so it would be stupid to leave her parents behind. Nodding slowly, Maddy walked back towards Jana, and they slowly made their way back towards the camp.

"Oh come on, Mam! I have to go!" Maddy persisted, voice rising in anguish. Emma's arms remained crossed, her face showing that she was not convinced. "Please Mrs Smith, Maddy NEEDS this!" Helped Jana, stepping forward gingerly into the argument. Maddy nodded enthusiastically. "I can't leave them any longer." She added, voice barely a whisper. Emma's frown disappeared, and with a groan she stood up. "Alright then, pet. I can tell I won't win this argument." Using her remaining energy to embrace her mother, Maddy clung tight to her as she whispered "thank you" in her ear, her warm breath tickling Emma's skin. It was the following night, and the foursome powered through the forest, their instincts guiding them home. Maddy's feet pound against the ground, the power of the moon behind her again. Maddy loved the feeling of running after a no moon day. It reminded her that she was still alive. She had needed that reminder more and more recently. The grin which would not disappear from her frozen face grew and grew as Stoneybridge drew nigh. Barely containing her excited squeal, Maddy three her gaze around her as she started to recognise the landscape around her. She was back on the moors. The returning half of the pack looked a sight as they raced through the village, muddy clothes flying behind them. Heart beating fast, Maddy walked up the path towards the Vaughn's door. The windows were dark, but Maddy hoped someone was in. The adrenaline which pumped through her veins blocked out the world. Hand shaking, her arm crept towards the chipped paint of the doorway. She knocked. And they waited.

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