Chapter 29

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So. Here we are. The penultimate chapter. What everything's been leading up to. It's not that great but once the last chapter is out it may make sense. Eh. Well if you enjoyed it please leave feedback! (This ones longer than the rest)

Her neck was aching from craning it too far, but she kept looking until Jana was also grabbed and taken away. Jana was struggling in the Wildblood's hold, but Maddy was frozen, petrified. She might as well of been tied with a chain and gagged. She couldn't feel air leave her lungs.

The forest suddenly seemed darker; perhaps it was the weather changing, or her vision going black, but either way, she decided as they pulled her into a tent that stunk of spices and concoctions, it was bad. Feeling the arm leave her skin, she let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding, but she couldn't hear it over the thunder which decided to growl. This whole thing was ironic and Maddy couldn't help a smirk despite everything. Got to be an optimist.

They had managed to arrange it so that Maddy couldn't see the rest of the camp, or anything, from the tent. Judging by the piles of plants wrapped in flaky leather, and the musky scent that hung like smoke, this was the healer tent. Maddy shrunk into herself even more, but she couldn't disappear into the dance of shadows. It was inevitable and inescapable; what were they going to plunge into her system? She shivered at the thought of some poison pounding through her brains.

She was left in the tent for several minutes, alone. Something made the tent completely silent, muffling any external noise. And the thick canvas, that fell in creases and had patches were it was worn so badly you could see the white netting underneath, blocked nearly all the possible light. Considering the forest was dark to start with, this meant Maddy could barely see her quivering hands. Maddy was perched on a wooden log, carved to make a seat. Around her were piles of plants - unbeknownst to her - and some bottles. Wondering where they got it all from, Maddy wrinkled her nose as a bundle of the smell went up her nostrils. It was like the candles you could get in the human world, spicy and flamboyant, but much, much stronger. There also seemed to be an underlying scent, something Maddy couldn't put her finger on. It was the same with the whole setting; there seemed to be something happening beneath the surface. There was a feeling of waiting, and Maddy wanted to know what it was for. What was planned? She sighed impatiently. It was like waiting for her own execution.

A bolt of lightning struck. It lit up the tent in a flare of colour, dousing it in yellow.

Maddy jumped when the door flapped open, revealing a healer. Maddy guessed she was in her fifties; grey mangled hair fell down onto her shoulders, and the clothes she wore were ragged and carried the scent of damp grass. She cast Maddy a disapproving look before hobbling over to a pile, rummaging about before pulling out a small, clouded over bottle. She took a pile of something - it looked like a nut - and ground it to small flakes. Maddy noticed how she carried out her work diligently, and this just made her more nervous.

After a few painful minutes, the woman turned round, bottle in hand, excited smile on her face.

"Take this." She ordered bluntly, shoving the concoction in front of Maddy's face. It smelt of garlic. Maddy hesitated with her hand hovering. She looked to the woman and back to the bottle. How vital was this to their plan? What was it going to do to her? Two questions she had no hope of finding out, and she didn't dare ask.

"Take it or I'll have to force you." Se snarled, pressing it into Maddy's hand. Maddy wrapped her weak fingers about, watching as the liquid swirled round. With a pop, she pulled the cork off, trying not to think twice as the vile liquid washed down her throat. With a satisfied nod the woman exited the tent, leaving Maddy with her eyes squeezed shut. Don't panic. Do not panic. She desperately tried to feel any change in her system, but there was nothing. But she couldn't shake off the feeling of something wrong creeping through her veins.

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