Chapter 14

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Maddy couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her voice being spoken in that shocked fashion again. In the space of a day or two, she had heard it quite a lot. She squirmed round in her chair with the others, leaning her head on Rhydian’s shoulder so that she could successfully peer round the diner-like red chairs. She glanced up to see a flicker of a contented grin appear on his face, before it disappeared again, as quick as a spark leaping out of a fire. The Three Ks stood in front of them, their plastered figures in a line, each with a hand hooked on their cocked hip, the other holding brightly coloured handbags. Katrina had one well plucked eyebrow raised, perhaps at Maddy’s reappearance, perhaps at her head that was comfortably resting on Rhydian. Maddy didn’t want to flatter herself by thinking it was jealousy she saw in Katrina’s eyes. As her eyes travelled over their unchanged, vain appearance, she couldn’t help but placing them in a toy shop, amongst the Barbies. She grinned at the thought.

The shock faded from Kara’s face, and it simultaneously lit up. It appeared that it was possible for them to miss her, after all. Kara’s arms reached out slightly, as if going in for a hug, before falling back to her sides. Maddy felt an overwhelming relief; Rhydian was sitting between her and the school fashionistas. “So” Kara swayed, in the jive Maddy was very familiar with, as she drew up a seat next to the table. Katrina and Kay, a pressured smile on their faces, followed, and they all sat around the cramped table. Maddy slumped down in her seat as it became clear that they were staying. Rhydian glanced down at her, and raised his eyebrows mockingly.

 “Shouldn’t you be welcoming your friends more gladly?” he whispered teasingly, his mouth close to her cheek as he spoke. Maddy’s cheeks warmed as she glared at him, tilting her head to the side in disgust. She couldn’t hold the grudge, however, and the smile eased its way back onto her face. When she looked back at her friends, who were all showing the reaction, she realised that Kara was nattering away, and had been for some time. Words flew across the room, as Kara did what she, and her friends, did best. “Oh, and Jana too! How nice to see you!” Kara smiled sweetly. “Dirt R Us convention” Kay whispered covertly, leaning towards Katrina. She smothered a giggle.

However, the wolfbloods’ kean hearing overheard her, and Jana, Rhydian and Maddy’s faces immediately fell. Observantly, Shannon saw their downfallen expressions.

“Sorry, guys, but we’ve gotta go.” She interrupted, and Kara pouted in disappointment. 

The pack all nodded in agreement, Tom shaking his head violently up and down in a mocking fashion, mouth in a almost pitying pout. Maddy made it her mission to escape the room as soon as possible, and she dashed outside. Once she was out, she leaned on her knees, panting heavily, chest loosening as the wolf relaxed again. 

A hand rested gently on her shoulder. She looked up, and into the concerned eyes of Rhydian. "You ok?" He looked down at her, biting his lip. She straightened up again as the others exited Bernie's. 

She nodded. "Yeah, just needed to get out." She smiled at Shannon. "Thanks for that" Shan smiled back. "Your welcome. Just saw that you guys needed to escape." She replied, approaching them. "Yeah, what would do without our geek, eh?" Tom slung his arm over Shannon's shoulder. "Hey!" She shoved him again. 

Maddy smiled, but it came out small and timid. Events kept repeating and, even though they were things she loved, they made her think all they could do was relive old times, and couldn't be new anymore. She shook the thought off. It was just an on running joke, she decided. 

Tom gasped dramatically, and began running off down the street, as if Shan had scared him. 

They all laughed as they glanced at each other, and the rest of them sped off after him. There was a thunder of footsteps and a babble of laughter as the pack played tag back to Maddy's house. 

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