Chapter 19

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At that moment, the teacher called the class to silence, and her voice droned on, talking about what they had learnt and how she expected better from the top class.

“Your exams are coming closer” she lectured, eyes studying each tired face. “You need to be prepared.”

Maddy desperately tried to remain somewhat concentrated in those last few minutes. She focused hard on the teacher, a spot on the wall; anything that didn’t allow her to re-enter the outside.

Finally the bell rang, and Maddy was pleased that they had organised a meeting place; there was a large rush as all the students exited the classroom. Maddy hung onto Rhydian’s hand, but soon enough she was lost in the sea of chaotic bodies. She searched for her friends, her heart thumping as she was squashed by the increasing people who filled the corridor. Fresh air entered her system, and she told herself to breathe. She had to trust her friends that they would be in the canteen.

Meandering as she found her way to the cafeteria, Maddy studied the changed surroundings that enveloped her. Now she knew what Jana had gone through, and Rhydian. Transferring from the wild to the human world was hard; the wolf had gotten a chance to grow, and you had to learn to tame it again.

As she was thinking this, Rhydian turned round the corner, sketchbook hooked lazily under his arm. When he saw her he smiled, his eyes glistening as the slight concern faded away. He sprinted up to her and placed a supporting arm around her.

“Found you.” He whispered in her ear. She glanced up at him, and saw that he was serious.

“Good job, too.” Maddy commented as she snuggled up to him, her chest rising and falling as she settled. He led her to the canteen, and although she knew the way, Maddy liked how she could depend on someone, for a while at least.

“I knew you would survive.” He whispered back. Maddy’s throat clenched slightly as she witnessed the yelling room of unfamiliar faces. A hint of annoyance at herself rose in her chest, and paused, turning to look back up at him.

“We’re talking about it like it’s some impossible task.” She shook her head in disappointment. She felt the resentment towards her weakness, and felt it cloud her mind. “But it’s not. It should be easy. It IS easy, I’m stupid.”

Rhydian was now holding her hand, and squeezed it slightly as they spotted the others in a quiet corner of the room. “No, you’re not.” Maddy looked at him again, frowning, and opened her mouth to argue. He shook it off, as if to say “Trust me”. A small smile poked at his lips as he plonked himself down on the plastic chair. He patted the one next to him, and Maddy shyly obliged.

“You’ve got me back.” He continued as he pulled her close. Maddy thought she could detect the tint of his laugh in his words. “There’s got to be a catch. All good things have.” he teased, and she playfully pushed him.

“So.” Shannon spoke, thus ending their conversation. She clutched her hands in front of her, in what Maddy thought was a formal fashion, but then her friend smiled comfortingly at her.


Her friends all turned to look at her, but Maddy managed to fight the common feeling of anxiety. They were her friends, after all. They wouldn’t hurt her.  

Maddy pondered for a few seconds, wondering how to word what was quite an uneventful tale. Finally she just decided to tell it how it was, and hope it would make sense.

“I was just looking out of the window, at the forest. Ever since I came back from the wild-” she could sense the slight feeling of dread as she mentioned her past. “Ever since then, I’ve felt this overwhelming need for the outside. And I couldn’t concentrate. So I just…kept looking. I started thinking about running through the moors again, thinking of the fun we’ve had there before. And suddenly, I was just... Skipping places. I’d be one place, and suddenly I would appear miles away. And, not just that, but it felt like I was actually running.” Maddy’s thoughts were confirmed as she saw the confusion written on her friend’s faces, especially Jana’s. She wasn’t the only one startled by this new type of “Eolas”. “I noticed what I was doing, but I hadn’t started it on purpose. And I couldn’t break away.

Anyway. I was just running along, and I heard something. Or saw something. I can’t remember, it may have been both, but still, it was a someone. And I was intrigued, even if I could, I wasn’t gonna stop. I followed it, and I saw a silhouette. I couldn’t make out who it was. And then, you guys woke me up.” A look of guilt crossed their faces, and maddy rushed to continue.

“But, I don’t think I would have been able to see them, even if you hadn’t. I’m glad you did.” Her friends looked slightly comforted by her assurance. The confusion still settled between the group, however, and they all sat still for a while, each troubled by their own thoughts.

There was a cough, and they all turned, startled, to see Jimi and his gang towering over them. Maddy felt her fear squirm as she spied the arrogant smirk that had settled on his face.

“What do you want, Jimi?” Tom asked harshly. Jimi’s smile grew, and his gaze landed on Maddy. She froze.

“So, family problems, was it?” he taunted. Maddy nodded, but only slightly, and Jimi didn’t see. She just stared at him as his face fell, and anger took over.


“It’s none of your business.” Growled Rhydian, his temper rising with the volume of his voice. A few heads turned as the drama unfolded. If there was one good thing about the wild, thought Maddy, it was not having to cope with this.

“Jimi, stop.” Jana ordered, noticing the state of her friends. He rolled his eyes in disgust, and returned to the matter at hand.

“She can answer for HERSELF.” Jimi cut back, features painted with an ugly ferocity. Maddy took Rhydian’s hand, trying to calm him down. She could feel the emotions rising, the wolf surfacing. She did not need this.

To her dismay, her attempts failed. With a panic, she noticed the black veins crawling slyly up Rhydian’s neck as he sprang into action. He bared his teeth. He growled, but only quietly. Jimi should have been used to it by now, but still the fear haunted his face as he was thrown to the ground. But Rhydian didn’t stop there, he couldn’t; his instincts took over. He had to protect Maddy. His hands were curled into grotesque claws, and he ferociously attacked Jimi.

“Rhydian, STOP!” Maddy howled, sobs accompanying her concern as she watched helplessly.

“Please.” She whimpered.

Something got through to Rhydian, and he slowed, his breathing rapid as he grabbed Jimi’s collar. Anger was still winning on his face, and Maddy couldn’t cope. With one last sob, she flung her eyes across the room to see a bunch of stunned eyes, judging her, killing her confidence.

“Maddy!” Shannon’s call followed her like a shadow as she rushed through the crowd. Her feet hit the floor hard, and she continued to run through the corridors. The sounds and sights of the chaos haunted her mind, and as she continued to sprint, she could only think that she was running away from her past.

hope this was okay. i feel like its a filler but yeah. Please leave feedback! xx

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