Chapter 4

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*Sean Pov*

I can hear Kate heart beat. It's so fast. I started panicking. Kate was on the ground beside Maranda. Liam grabbed Maranda and I grabbed Kate.

I'm so glad nobody was in the woods. I shifted into my wolf and rushed Kate to the pack hospital.

"Liam take Maranda to the pack hospital." I said to Liam. If Kate wake up she's not going to speak to us unless Maranda is insight. I wonder what's Maranda and Kate's relationship? How close they is? How did they meet? Does Kate really know what Maranda is?

I didn't realize that I was at the hospital. I put Kate down gently on the ground and shifted. I grabbed a pair of shorts from the hidden spots we put extra clothes at. I lifted Kate off the ground bridal style and carried her to the hospital. I already mind-link Andrew to come check Kate out.

When I walked in he was already there with a stretcher. I placed her on it and Andrew stared rolling her towards the room to check her out. I was right beside Kate.

"Alpha can you stay in the wait room please just for a minute." Andrew said.

I immediately shock my head no. He said warningly,"Alpha I don't want to use force." Andrew said. I just kissed Kate on the top of her head,"I'm going to be right beside you when you wake up baby, I promise." I said.

I walked to the waiting room and waited.

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