Pink Crystal

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PC: Come on Izy!
Me: Coming
I walk into the small treehouse owned by my best friend pink crystal or PC. Once I get in I notice a strange glowing object.
Me: PC wah dat?
PC just shrugs her shoulders and walks up to it.
Then as I start to focus on what it really is. A pink flash of light appears and PC gets trapped in a soul shard.
*End of flashback*
???: Ahhhh so you do remember her. Good, now let's get to the point shall we? So basically we can bring her back but we will only get her out if you help us.
I look at him with a blank expression.
???: So will you help or not?
Silence fills the room as I say nothing I just simply nod my head.
???: good, Now what you going to be doing is for your own good, I need you to kill Meliodas.
Me: What!? You expect me to kill captain?
???: eh, don't a deals a deal so kill him, or else.
He throws me out of the closet and the guards pick me up and place me on the sidewalk. I start to walk in the direction of where I sense captains powers coming from and head off. I walk up to the door of the tavern and walk in to see Meliodas pacing in steps.
Meliodas: what are we going to d- Izy!!!
Me: hey captain! I got out!
Meliodas:well I can see that!
Me: pfft whatever! :P
Meliodas looks at me and gives me a pitiful look. I just give him a playful death glare back. I walk up the tavern steps and walk into my room. I summon my small dagger and put my hand on the door...

Cliffhanger sorry I haven't been updating its just been a hard few weeks I hope you guys can understand. Well I may post the next chapter tomorrow to make up for it. Well see y'all later bai!

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