The Kiddnapping

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I wake up and notice PC isn't in the bed next to me. I quickly get changed and open the rooms door I search for PC but can't find her. I walk out of the hotel and start to run around. I start to look everywhere when something catches my ear. I hear the sound of PC screaming and run in the direction of where I heard the screams. I run into the forest and I see 3 figures dressed in all black dragging PC away. I start to run as fast as I can after them but before I know it their outta my sight. I kick down a tree in frustration. I pull out my dagger and throw it. Then I run back to the hotel grab my backpack and run into the woods. I start on the trail that leads to the Anarchy. This group was one of me and PC older enemies. I start to pick up my pace when I hear the growling of wolfs. The wolfs lunge at me and start to claw at me, one claws my cheek the other bites my leg. For some reason I can't seam to heal the wounds and I black out. I wake up in a small tent like house thing. I get off the bed and try to run but fail, a man my age walk up to me and slowly starts to set me back down he hands me a cup with out saying anything and I take it. I drink the substance and put down the cup. I know how this works, girl gets found in the woods unconscious and is brought back to safety. He comes over and ushers out his hand I take it and he leads me into a dark cave. He lights a torch and leads us deeper into the cave.

The Wolf Sin Of Kill (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt