Scamander returns: 1914

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Twenty minutes later, Father returns. He drags an unconscious Newt behind him and holds a case in his hand.

"Really Father?"

"He was being pushy. Anyway, he'll wake up soon enough."

He drags the boy over to a chair and binds him in rope.

"Hey Father. Where did you get that case?" I ask.

"It's Scamander's. I'm going to look after it for him. Do me a favour and stick this in the Dungeon." He replies.

I take the case and go down to the Dungeon. Father built it when he first got the place. It's cold, grey and bleak. It isn't used much anymore. Rusty shackles hang on the walls and there's tons of damp everywhere. I hear the faint sound of a key turning a lock and turn around. Father's shadow is on the wall, shown to be walking away. He's locked me in! Angry, I throw the case on the ground and a small catch on it pops open. I shut it but it opens again. Newt needs to fix it. I open the case and see steps leading into it. Weird. My curiosity gets the better of me and I step inside.

It seems that the case has an Extension charm on it. There are different enclosures belonging to different animals. There's a woodland area, a rocky area, a desert area and some others. Most are empty but I can here the familiar clicking sound of some Bowtruckles coming from the woods. Pickett starts clicking from my pocket and he climbs up onto my head. I decide to explore the case a bit more.

I wander to the woods and see the Bowtruckles on a branch. They notice me and Pickett and begin clicking madly. It's kinda cute. They mustn't  get many visitors which makes sense, seeing as Newt looks after them. Pickett likes the company and is more chatty than usual. The moment is beautiful.

And then the moment ends.

With the sound of someone shrieking in pain, to be precise. And I know it's not Father.

I turn away and flee to the stairs. I run up them, open the case and run to the door. I try but fail to open it.

"Come on! Op- oh, right, it's locked."

I already know that Alohomora won't work. There's a magically advanced locking Charm on the door. Only the original key can open it.

Newt's shrieks remind me why I am at the door in the first place. I panic, banging on the door with my fists.

"Please! Stop it! You're hurting him!"

I feel tears roll down my face as the shrieks continue.

"Please! Father! Stop it!"

My tears take over and I break down into a sobbing mess. My head falls into my hands as I begin choking on my sadness.

"Psst! Shadow! Over here!"

I lift my head off my hands and look at the door. Leta is there. She holds up a black key, a cheeky glint in her eyes.  She quickly unlocks the door and I run at her. I hug her extremely hard.

"Thank you! You don't know how thankful I am!"

"I could probably guess."

Leta grabs my wrist and pulls me away from her waist.

"Sorry." I apologise.

"It's okay." She replies with a smile.

Newt shrieks again and I run up the stairs, Leta following behind. When we get up to the main area, a horrible sight meets my eyes.

The place is a wreck. There are scorch marks on the walls and floors, holes in the walls and debris everywhere. Father's fled the area as well.

And lying on the floor, taking shaky breaths, is the scarred body of Newt Scamander.

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