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@Niall_Official How do you work a solo dm thing ?

3 hrs ago

@Ziamftw @NiallOfficial ur a celeb why the heck would u need a solo dm

3 hrs ago

@NiallOfficial @Ziamftw For a special girl, of course . ;-)

2 hrs ago

@Ziamftw @NiallOfficial OHHHHHH i know just what u mean. u better not waste this chance horan, imma help you

10 mins ago


09:29 a.m.

Lana Del Ray of Sunshine added you and Niall Horan into the group.

@Ziamftw: sorry not sorry

@Ziamftw: peace out ella xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Lana Del Ray of Sunshine left the group.


@NiallOfficial: Awww Lana you left ;-(

@NiallOfficial: Hehe hello Ella ;-DDD

@kingniallol: i will fucking kill lana

@kingniallol: bye

@NiallOfficial: No wait !

@NiallOfficial: Ella please ... let's just talk .

@NiallOfficial: I'm so sorry :-( I didn't mean to be rude to you .

@NiallOfficial: I mean ... to be honest I was ...

@NiallOfficial: Okay fine I got mad, okay !

@kingniallol: why the f would u be mad?? i didnt even do anything to you!

@NiallOfficial: Because when we talked about us , you said you'd never date me !

@kingniallol: well what was i supposed to say, niall?

@kingniallol: as if you'd want to date me anyway!!

@kingniallol: i was just protecting myself. i know i'd end up hurt anyway.

@kingniallol: bc between the both of us, i'm the only one who gets hurt. the only one who has feelings. and that's so fucking pathetic in my part.

@NiallOfficial: Who are you tell that I don't want to date you ?

@NiallOfficial: That you're the only one who got hurt ?

@NiallOfficial: That you're the only one who's got feelings ? Huh ??

@kingniallol: come on. don't give me false hopes rn niall. let's be real; i stay as a fan, you're the celebrity.

@NiallOfficial: Since when the fuck did fame come between feelings ?

@kingniallol: since i knew the fact that someone like you is better off without me!

@NiallOfficial: Ha , that's where you're wrong darling .

@NiallOfficial: You're the piece of sanity within me . You're the gravity that pulls me down the ground , reminding me that i'm still part of the reality .

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