June: The Troubles of Being a New Kid

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This is dedicated to my JIMMAYE clan. As much as a girl could love her friends, she can't love you more than she already does.

Great. It hasn't even been 3 weeks and we're already in Lauderdale Courts. My father had gotten laid off and there wasn't much we could afford. Eventually he found a job as a electrician and hey, they earn good money if they try hard enough. Tomorrow I have school and I'm not sure about it. I left my best friend for LIFE Jenny back in Seattle and I miss her so much. She would understand what I'm going through. " June!" I hear my father yell. I don't even bother replying, I just get up and walk towards my door and stand with my arms crossed. "What?" I said in a sassy voice. My father ignores my rude remark and asks me to help unpack. "Nope" I said popping my P, but go ahead and walk outside towards my dads battered Lincoln. The heat immediately hits me like a punch in the face and in a matter of minutes I'm sweating. I must've looked like I was sulking because my mom took my face in her hands and said " don't worry. Things will get better, and you will make new friends." Her chocolate brown eyes, the ones I inherited seemed lighter in the sunlight. I grab my suitcase and head towards the door. Geez, what a stupid cliche.

The next day I woke up from a damn good dream. I was in Seattle again and Jenny introduced to me to a really handsome boy. He was about 5'9 which is a little short for me, since I'm 5'5, and he had brown eyes, darker than mine, and blonde hair. He smiled at me and said " Hello beautiful" and took my hand in his and took it up to his mouth. As his lips almost brushed upon my hand I woke with a startling yelp. What the hell kind of dream was that? Needless to say, getting ready and eating breakfast went by quick for me. Why I decided to dwell on this dream, I don't know.

I came to when my dad stopped the car in front of the school. Ew. It looked like a building more than anything. Humes High, what the hell kind of name is that? I made a mental note to kill myself later. My dad looked at me, smiled and said " get the hell out of my car. I'll come get you later on." I laughed and kind of snorted and got out. We said our goodbyes and said we love each other. I stood there on the pavement for the longest time just watching his car drive away. As soon as it was out of sight, I turned slowly to the school. " I'd better get it over with" I mumbled to myself.

Being inside was better than being outside. The halls were long and along them were lockers. This was small compared to the schools in Seattle. Oh wells. At least the halls were empty. I suppose everyone was in class. I walked down the hall and hella got lost. I was getting nervous and as my luck would have it, the bell rang. Shoot I thought to myself. Everyone came out of their classes and barely even looked my way. I just stood there like the loser I am until a girl behind me said in a very southern accent," You're new aren't you?" I turned around and there stood a girl with brown hair and a very friendly smile. I smiled and replied " Ah, yes. I am. I just got here and I have no idea where to go." She just stood there smiling and I guess she thought I had more to say. Okay. "Yeah, so um, my name is June. My family just moved from Seattle and you know how that is." She nodded and said "Well my name is Hayley. I think you'd better stick with me." She started walking and I guess I had to follow her. As soon as we walked at the same pace she said "It's lunch time right now and they're serving Hotdogs. It's real good so if you wanna have a bite, we can go get." This girl is so nice. "Thanks but I had a late breakfast." I said.

We turned into the cafeteria. It was big and warm. On the far end was a stage, which was unusual, and the rest of the cafeteria was filled with people. She turned to me giggling and pointed at 2 girls in the right side of the hall, one with golden hair around a gorgeous face with blue eyes, and one sort of athletic looking. She said " them girls there are Skylar and Valentina. Lady ain't here yet so she probably at the library printing out some papers for class, always procrastinating and shit. C'mon I want to introduce you." Her pace sped up and so I had to sort of speed walk and I know I probably looked stupid. We stopped in front of the table. She pointed at the gorgeous one and said "this is Skylar. Skylar, this is June." Skylar looked at me, up and down, and said "Hey. MAre you new?" The athletic looking one, Valentina rolled her eyes and said "No. She's old. That's why you never saw her before." I now have sarcastic friends. Goodies. Me and Hayley sat down and we started talking about my classes and it turns out I had classes with all of them. What a friggin coincidence. We talked about Seattle, where I live, all these things about me and then we talked about boys. The bell rang and I waited for them to get up. I wanted to be behind a bit so it would be easier for them to fit through the small door. I looked at the schedule I had clutched in my hand and it turns out we're going to English class. Goodies, I hope my teacher is a girl because guy English teachers are so boring. Trust me, I've had them for the last 8 years. I skipped preschool because I had a hard time being potty trained. How embarrassing. At least now, 17 and a junior, I know how right? What the hell am I saying? Of course.

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