Chapter 11

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Knot continued to lecture Arthit.

"Your moody attitude.. when you see other people with him, it isn't jealousy. The correct term is being possessive. You are possessive of him."

"Hey, Ai'Knot," Arthit protested, "I am not being possessive!" He punched his friend again who only smiled.

"Fine. It's your problem. And, if you have a problem then just tell him."


Arthit rushed his friends, stamping his feet each time they would delay their return journey. He was almost bouncing on his toes with nervousness. He had already made his decision. It was all up to Kongphob now which he was going to find out in less than an hour. He made Knot pull the car over ten minutes away from the party venue. He walked into the shop and looked round for something suitable to buy. Then his eyes fell on the perfect gift (at least one which made sense), he picked them up and proceeded to the billing counter to pay for it. Prem tried to snatch the packet from his hand but he was quick enough to dodge the hand and sat on the paper bag. He ignored Knot's knowing looks on the rear view mirror.



Arthit's eyes searched for the tall, lanky figure as they entered the venue. He saw juniors and seniors alike mingling, laughing and chatting with each other. He bowed at his seniors and greeted back the juniors who wai-ed at him. His eyes, however, wanted to see only one person.

Arthit finally found him. Kongphob was standing with Toot, Bright and some of his juniors at one of the less crowded areas of the Farewell P' Party. Arthit and his friends approached them. Toot noticed them first.

"Hey! This is a surprise." Kongphob turned around. Arthit chose to look straight at his friends and ignore the younger one for now. "Didn't you three say you weren't going to come?" Arthit could feel his eyes on him.

"We thought we wouldn't make it because of work." Arthit watched his friend Knot partially in exasperation and partially, thankful because he wouldn't have been able to admit that but he needed a certain person to know it.

"You wanted the junior's candy that much?" Toot teased. Arthit turned his face to look at his friend and blinked his eyelids slowly. Could they ever talk anything relevant?

"Just shut up, Ai'Toot." Arthit took out the gifts he had bought for them and distributed them one by one, saving Kongphob for the last one. He chickened out, however, and turned away from them with Prem and Knot, ready to hit the food stall.

"Hold on, P'Arthit." Arthit looked back at the taller boy, his heart beating rapidly. Every time Kongphob said 'hold on, p'Arthit', he'd do something which would make his heart flutter. What would it be this time? Arthit put on a calm front and did 'hmm?' "I have something for you." Kongphob himself looked a little anxious and Arthit scratched his forehead with a finger. What was 0062 going to do? Kongphob took out a .. letter from the small paper bag he was holding.


Arthit took the envelope from him, glancing at the freshman once and opened it. He was smiling, anticipating what was to come next. Arthit saw the edge of a crisp paper inside and smiled. He glanced once more at the first year who definitely looked anxious now. It put Arthit at ease. He took the letter out and unfolded it. Arthit felt Kongphob's eyes boring on him as his own eyes scanned each and every word written down in the neat handwriting. He could feel his lips tugging at the corners in happiness as he read.

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