chapter 30

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a/n* You can totally skip this but, I'd rather you didn't.

a/n:  I cannot believe I have come this far with the fic. It is already the end of Book II and with thirty chapters to boot!!! Wow because when I started off I didn't expect any readers but now... Amazing, the speed at which you guys hit the Vote button *.* I wish there was an option to vote back for the readers because you guys have been amazing and this has been an amazing journey. A really big, big thank you to everyone who has been here from the start of Book II (and a special shoutout to the guys from Book I days). All your comments, votes and messages were really motivating because I am a lazy person and typing seems to drain my energy (as everything else minus SOTUS & BTS :P) SO THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, EVERYONE !!!

That said, I'd like to remind you guys that Kongphob from Book III (yes, Book III. Why did you even doubt it?) is based on the Kongphob of Book II & I who are in turn based on the series one. Which means Kong from Book II is still supposed to be closer to the series Kong. How can you guys even doubt him !! JK. It is great you guys did. Hehe. So, the point of Kong here still being an extension of the Series Kong is that he is essentially good and that everything he does is out of good intention.

I hope you guys check out the lyrics video I post with the chapters because they are supposed to be like the BGM adding to the scene (and the feels.)

Am not sure when Book III will be posted but, I'll update the news on here. So wait for the notification. 

Kudos to @LilD4isy for guessing it long, long back ;) More Kongphob POV to come in Book III.

  Not proof-read and haha, wonder what your reactions would be like to this chapter?  

 *drum rolls*

If there was anything Kongphob had known for sure, it had been that he loved Arthit. He knew Arthit loved him too but it was different. Arthit didn't love him in the way he had wanted. Arthit didn't see their relationship in the way he did. Of course, he knew the older boy wasn't very into the physical aspect of their relationship. So, Kongphob took it slowly or, as much as he could. He always preferred when the fourth year initiated something because it meant he wanted Kongphob the way Kongphob wanted him. He hadn't doubted Arthit wanting him when he had heard Arthit saying his friends that it all happened because Kongphob wanted it and not Arthit himself. He had felt it as Arthit trying to excuse himself with lies because the older flustered a lot and lived in constant denials. So, Kongphob who had been in the hazing hall waiting for Em to finish his chat with Mei had overheard but had thought nothing of it. Not even when Arthit was gone when he had woken up in his dorm alone in the morning after the Farewell party. He could admit that it had slightly hurt him and had left him with a lot of disappointment but he didn't bring it up with Arthit. But those words had been somewhere in the back of his mind.

I don't care about it.. He wants it..  so we...

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