Chapter 24

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Arthit was stacking his books and notes on the table. He didn't want to lug it around in his bag. He needed them for the next two classes. He was so tired. They had started practising for football on weekends now for the Inter-University Football Tournament. On most nights, he returned to his dorm only after 8 pm. He had to stay up late till 1 in the morning to catch up with his assignments and project. Arthit hated it. He fell asleep most of the time half way through. He would wake up in the middle of the night with a stiff neck and drool all over his notes. And now that he had even begun practising for football, there was hardly any time left for him to catch proper sleep. He groaned. Arthit loved sleeping and sleep kept running away from him.

Two hands sneaked on him and looped around his waist. Arthit startled and hit back with his elbow, ready with all the curses on the tip of his tongue but Kongphob's yelp stopped him.


"Why did you have to do that, P'Arthit!" The second year whined.

"You shouldn't have done that then."

Kongphob put his chin on Arthit's shoulder. "What did  I do?" He sniffed, "Just hugged my boyfriend." He looked at Arthit, tilting his head to the right to look at the red blossoming on the pale cheeks. Hah! "Can't I hug my boyfriend?" He pouted.

Arthit put his hands on Kongphob's. "We are in class, Kongphob."

"So what?"

"My classmates will be coming at any moment."

"It isn't like they don't know about us."

Arthit sighed. "Not now."

"When then, P'Arthit."

"I don't stop you when we are the flatlet." They do more than just hug. "There are people here."

Kongphob pecked him on the cheek. "Okay." He unwound his arms and stepped back. "What are your plans for tonight? You will be in the office tonight?"

Arthit frowned and turned around. "What do you mean by plans? Aren't you coming?"

Kongphob cocked his head, confused. "To where?"

His frown deepened. "P'Tum's house."

Understanding flickered in Kongphob's eyes. "Er.. That."

Arthit rested his hip against the table's edge and folded his arms together. "What. Don't tell me you forgot."

 Kongphob laughed. "No, P'Arthit. I won't be able to go today."

 "Why not?"

"Promise me you won't get angry."

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