Chapter 27

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This chapter happened cuz of this song:  Urban Zakapa - Let It Rain   Blame on it cuz otherwise, I wasn't going to update till the next few weeks. That's the only reason why this update is so short.

(Happy, quinnH1001 ? :p)

Kongphob picked Arthit up from the stadium. Their semesters had ended. Arthit and his friends had stayed back for the football Inter-University Tournament. Kongphob had stayed back to watch his boyfriend play the first match. Arthit was ecstatic. They had won the first match! They had known they would but still. One match down, several mores to go. He was hopeful that their team would win at least the next coming three matches. They had to make sure they didn't lose before semi-finals. They were the defending champions after all. If left to him, Arthit wouldn't let a single match slip out of his hand. He was happy. It had been too many months since he had last participated in an official match. The adrenaline coursing through him was making him restless. As soon as the referee blew the whistle and declared the end of the match, all his team members had run towards each other and hugged, laughing. Soon they had broken up the little crowd they had form in the middle of the field. They had then shaken hands with the opposite team's members, ending the match on a formal note and then had filed out of the field. Their coach and captain went to the organising committee for details on the next match. Knot had been waiting for them - Arthit, Bright and Toot at the sidelines while Prem had already run to hug them. Knot gave Arthit a side hug, congratulating him and they all laughed again. Arthit pulled the end of his jersey up and tried to wipe the sweat off his face. Knot invited them all for dinner at his place and the boys all immediately agreed to leave with him in his car. They were famished. Arthit had almost agreed too. Bright smacking on the back of his head stopped him.

"Your boyfriend is waiting for you. Why are you coming with us."

"But, I-"

Arthit searched in the crowd for his tall, lanky boyfriend. He couldn't see him.

"He was right there." Knot said, frowning, not being able to spot him. "Go with him. Freshen up and then come."


"Don't argue, Ai'Arthit. Don't waste your time."

"He is correct." Toot and Prem said in unison. Knot shrugged.

"Here, take your phone." Knot handed Arthit his duffle bag and phone. "We'll wait for you." He turned towards the rest. "Let's go."

His friends left him there while Arthit pressed on his speed dial and called Kongphob. The second year picked up on the second ring.

"Where did you go?" Arthit demanded before the other boy could say anything. "Don't you have manners? Shouldn't you congratulate me first?" He heard Kongphob chuckle on the other end of the line.

"I didn't want to interrupt. You need to savour these memories with your friends, P'Arthit."

Arthit wondered for the nth time how his boyfriend could always be so thoughtful.

"Too bad then that they ditched me."

"Yea, I saw them leaving."

"Where are you now, 0062?"

"On my way to you."


Kongphob disconnected the call before Arthit could tell him where he was standing. How was he going to find him? Arthit quickly texted him the closest possible landmark. He then found a better idea. He took a picture and sent it.

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