Chapter 21

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a/n: Woops. I graduated Pern out of the college way sooner. Sorry.

Twenty chapters done now! Whoop, whoop!! The longest chapter till date in the entire series.

It was two days from their Freshy Night for the new academic session. Arthit was waiting in the nearby hall for Kongphob who was busy helping the present third years with hazing. Arthit wasn't in uniform because he didn't have a class that day and he had just come back from giving an interview for internship in a reputed company. It was his third interview. He had unfortunately not qualified in the previous two. He was, however, hopeful for this one. His interview had gone well. The company didn't rank in the elite companies but it was a good one and from what he had heard, they had good work ethics. That's what mattered the most to him.

"Didn't you have an interview today?"

Arthit looked up in surprise.

"Hey, Ai'Bright."

"Hello." Bright slung an arm around his shoulder. "Waiting for your lover boy?"


"It is okay. We know it." Arthit smiled bashfully.

"New love is like that." Toot said, walking towards them with a large poly bag filled with goods.

"What's that?" Arthit asked.

"Something this asshole couldn't help me with."

"I cannot be bothered with such trifling matters." Bright made a haughty expression.

"Ass." Toot placed it on the bench. "It is for the decoration for the party day after tomorrow." He turned towards Bright after that. "Just for not being bothered, you are not getting the drinks."

"Hah. We will see."

Arthit snorted. "Will you guys ever quit? We are in our seventh semester now."

"Never." Toot and Bright replied together.

He chuckled. "At least, you two agree on something." The said boys high-fived. Arthit rolled his eyes.

"We are like an old married couple. Aren't we, Ai'Toot?" Bright took his hand off Arthit and wound it around the other boy's arm. "Only if I weren't straight."

Arthit watched their interaction closely. Especially, Toot's.

"Even if you were not straight, I'd never want you." Toot snatched his hand back.

"Why you must hurt me, Ai'Toot?" Bright made loud wailing noises. Arthit smiled. Kongphob had used the same words a few months back.

"Fine, fine." Toot kicked Bright. "Shut up. The first years inside can hear you."


"You are the senior most here now. Don't give them poor impression of us." Toot nudged Arthit. "Why aren't you saying him anything?"

"He is busy being in love." Arthit laughed. "See? He only smiles and laughs now."

"Where is our hot-headed Arthit Rojnapat?" Toot added dramatically. "Who are you and what did you do to him?"

Arthit kept laughing.

"Not who 'you'. It should be what did n'Kong do to him."

Toot smiled. "Must be good to be in love." He sounded wistful. "I am happy for you, Ai'Arthit."

"Why are you sad? Never found your love?" Bright wiggled his eyebrows. "I'll help you find if you need one." He said seriously.

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