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Three executioners in white coats lead a shackled Newt, Atlas, and Tina down to a dark basement, away from the cell. Newt looks back and says, "It was good to make your acquaintance, Jacob, and I hope you get your bakery."


Graves sits opposite Newt and Atlas at an interrogation desk, the tear tracks are still prominent on Atlas' cheeks. "You're both interesting people, Mr. Scamander, Ms. Willow."

"Mr. Graves-" Tina tries, stepping forward. Graves holds a finger to his lips, a signal to stay quiet. Tina steps back into the shadows. Graves examines the files on his desk. "You, Ms. Willow, dropped out of Hogwarts in your last year due to undocumented reasons. What were those reasons, Ms. Willow?" 

Atlas' throat dries up. She takes a deep breath. "Was it because of your involvement with Mr. Scamander here?" Atlas shakes her head. "Or was it because of her?" someone opens the door behind her and small footsteps can be heard, "Momma!" Atlas turns around, hair sticking to her face. "Maeve, baby, where's Nixie?"

Maeve tries to run forward but is held back by an executioner. Atlas turns back to face Graves, "Why do you have my daughter?"

"Is she yours?" Graves asks, voice taunting. "Yes," Atlas responds. "Where is her caretaker?" 

"Care to tell us why you carry her in your bag?" Graves pushes on with questions. 

"Because my mother is unfit to take care of her. I bring her with me. She has her own room and Nixie is her caretaker while she's in my bag," Atlas answers. Graves inspects her before nodding stiffly. He waves to the executioner to release the child. 

Maeve wastes no time in running to her mother, tears welling in her eyes as she tugs on the chains her mother is bound to. Atlas envelops her in a hug and kisses her on the forehead, "Hi baby. Don't worry, mommy's going to be just fine. You'll be fine. I love you." Maeve hugs Atlas tighter, not letting go. Not wanting to let go. "I love you too, mommy."

"Nixie," Atlas calls out, sitting up straighter. Nixie appears behind Maeve and softly grasps the young girl's hand. "I'll come get you when it's safe, baby." Atlas looks to Nixie, "You know what to do. Take care of her, please." Atlas wipes the tears that had fallen onto Maeve's pale cheeks, "Goodbye, baby." 

With a loud crack, Nixie and Maeve are both gone and Atlas sits back in her seat. She's not paying attention and doesn't react when she's pulled from her seat. 


It felt too much like this was her death. All her bad decisions and wrong-doings had finally caught up with her. Atlas comes back from her stupor when a door is opened, leading to a pure white cell, consisting of a chair suspended over a rippling potion-filled pool.

"Please don't do this - Bernadette - please." Atlas vaguely hears Tina begging the executioner, but it doesn't register. She feels Newt grasping her hand for even a sliver of comfort. Atlas squeezes back, hiding their hands behind them. 

Atlas watches blankly as Tina's led to the edge of the pool. Her happiest memories are extracted from her head and cast into the pool. They were clever to make it a happy death. Leading people unwittingly to their deaths seemed exactly America's style. 

Atlas feels her shackles loosen, catching a glimpse of green flash past her vision. She silently gasps before refocusing her vision on Tina, trying not to seem suspicious. Newt squeezes her hand once more before a second executioner approaches Newt. "Okay, let's get the good stuff out of you-" 

Newt jumps back, pulling Atlas with him, and releasing the Swooping Evil. He punches the executioner with it, effectively knocking him out. 

The Swooping Evil expands into a gigantic butterfly-esque reptile with skeletal wings. Atlas watches as Newt swiftly fights the one executioner left before snapping back into reality, realizing what was happening. 


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