Chapter One

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Hey guys, this is my new story that I am starting! Hopefully, you will like the first chapter. If you do, comment and vote! It would be much appreciated! Thanks again, SR :)

"I would like the large french fries please, but without all of the salt. I wouldn't want my husband gaining extra weight, now would I? Sometimes I wonder how he can even fit in his speedo during this time of year! We all know he ain't working on that summer bod, except for times in the bed, if you know what I mean," She tapped the table I sat against, showing off her perfectly manicured pink fingernails in disgust as I sat staring at the plump women.

Her fake orange tan was prominent under the mustard yellow coverup dress and in that moment I couldn't help but feel bad for her husband. Her yearly attendance at this very beach was always the talk of the town. We all new the woman's husband was not with her, nor was he in this state by his wife's side.

An overly excited male voice called for her along the wooded path to the beach. I swiveled my head to the voice and watched as a tall, younger man throwing his hands in the air for his mistresses' attention. A few years ago I saw the woman's husband, bald and all, but he was no match compared to the young man obstructing the beach path for other beachgoers.

I focused back on the woman, realizing that I was gawking at her one night fling myself. "Mam, I don't sell french fries," I laughed internally, not because of the woman herself, but more along the lines of when her actually husband will realize she's screwing with hot, New Jersey men. "If you want french fries, along the beach are food shacks, and no, they will not bring your food to your chair."

Her eyes peered down at me in disgust, before slapping down five dollars along the wooded table that I was meant to collect the whole time. She frowned, being clearly annoyed of my eighteen year old presence and the situation at hand, and stubbled away from the beach entrance booth.

I sighed in relief, before gracefully leaning back in my own chair, waiting for the next person to show and enter the beach. Tucking my blond hair around my ears, I went back to reading the magazine that was placed in my lap. Surfer Magazine was outlined in bold print. I was silently kicking myself at the idea that I had already read this about a million times, front to back, but I wasn't able to revive my subscription to the hardcore surf magazine. Reading this wasn't the same as reading it the first time, but I still enjoyed reading the same articles based on my favorite sport.

The magazine placed on my sun-kissed legs was darkened by a figure that faced me. I quickly tossed the book under the chair, reacting to the new customer. "Do you have a beach pass?"

The girl shook her head before handing me the five dollars. I grabbed the money, expecting her to be on her way, but she stood still against the booth. "That woman must have been a handful," she laughed, trying to be nice to my already annoyed demeanor on the plump woman. "That couldn't have actually been her husband," she proposed, as a hint of a small smile appeared on my face.

"Oh god no," Anyone could see that, I sarcastically thought, keeping it to myself. If this girl was serious, I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, but she seemed like a smart enough for someone who I've never met before. "Every summer there is someone new," I went on, "I'm pretty sure her husband is somewhere in the Hamptons, enjoying some golf with his own crew. I wonder how many summers it will take for him to realize his wife is having sex with other people." I questioned, repeated my previous thoughts.

"As long as it takes for him to get his own sugar-mamma. Bros before hoes, am I right?" The girl laughed, adjusting her own brown hair that was tied in a high pony tail. I take it back, she definitely wasn't as annoying as I thought she was going to be. Usually, on hot days like this, it seems to bring out crazy people. It's like the first time it snows and everyone forgets how to drive. However, this girl doesn't seem like one of those people.

"My thoughts exactly!" I exclaimed. Shoving those past thoughts aside, I reached my hand out for her to take. "I'm Dylan Carter," her face twisted into a surprised expression. It happens. "Yes, like the boy name." Honestly, I'm pretty sure my mother and father always wanted a boy. Either way, they didn't change the fact that my mother was obsessed with the name and decided to name her girl that anyway. I don't mind, it's just a name, right?

She reached for my tan hand, that actually looked like weird alien fingers from the amount of time I spent surfing this morning before work, "I like that name, it's kind of like a Blake Lively type of thing going on. I'm Alexis Arden," She replied, releasing my hand. The name suited her, I realized, seeing her perfectly, natural makeup face and painted white nails.

It occurred to me that she was probably waiting for someone up on the beach, so I sat down once again on the stool and smiled patiently. "You seem like you know everyone around here?" She questioned.

"Pretty much, I've worked here forever and everyone from school comes here. The surf is great! It's the best beach in New Jersey."

Her faced turned into a slim smile as if she was planning a scheme that she should only know about. I give her a genuine smile. I couldn't read her face, nor did I know anything at all about the brunette. She clasped her hands together in a loud smack, her smile growing ten times bigger.

"Then you can help me!" I gave her a perplexed look, one that she clearly understood, and went on. "I'm on a mission, you could say,"


She sighed, "You know, a mission!" I was lost, sincerely lost. "Let's face it, I'm new here, it's the summer before senior year, and I'm assuming you know most of the boys around here." I was still lost, but Alexis couldn't help but carry out her story. "You're going to help me find this certain boy I saw surfing just a few days ago. I swear it was love at first sight, Dylan, he was so fucking hot."

I didn't know what I was getting myself into with the new girl. Her mission sounded like one of those cheesy cliche movies that are watched on the Hallmark channel and believe me, I would know from the countless nights of binge watching those awful Christmas movies with my mother. I used to always be down for those Christmas movies, no matter how sad they sometimes turned out to be. Hopefully, this mission of hers wasn't going to turn out like one of those movies, not to mention the main character's friend are always getting hurt.

 Hopefully, this mission of hers wasn't going to turn out like one of those movies, not to mention the main character's friend are always getting hurt

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                                       Indiana Evans as Dylan Carter

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