Chapter Two

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Thank you all for the votes and comments on the last chapter! Hopefully, you will like chapter number two as well! I begin to reveal some important details in this chapter. Just a heads up, I will start to switch from different periods of Dylan's life. Make sure to vote and comment if you like this chapter! S.R

Alexis Arden had me trapped in a situation within a matter of seconds. I felt like I was sinking in quicksand with her piercing green eyes looking down my slowly sinking body. She held a stick out for me to grab, but she purposely held it an inch away out of my reach. In a matter of seconds, I would be swallowed whole by the sand if I didn't promise to help her on her boy-crazed mission. Sure enough, I promised.

How hard could it be, I wondered. To put it in perspective, she clearly was already classified as the new girl. She's like new bait everyone fights for on the first day of school. She's the wannabe-it-girl that everyone talks about because she is getting all of the attention. By the way she acts, you could tell it doesn't faze her.

To be completely honest, half of the reason why I said yes was that I wanted to know the boy she was talking about. The idea of a hot surfer in Ocean City, New Jersey stressed me out more than it stressed her. I had to know the guy already, so how difficult could it be? It might as well be my ex-boyfriend.

The idea of her liking my ex-boyfriend gave me hope. Just imagining it, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. No more Ethan Dawson, I scoffed.

Alexis slouched across the booth. People happily strolled behind her in the hope of not being caught trying not to pay. I couldn't care less. I was fixed on the way my hands looked. They looked like shriveled up grapes, yellow raisins to be exact, but even worse than the usual stay-in-water-for-too-long type of hands. Much worse. I ran the tips of my fingers up the sides of my left arm, feeling the gross ridges of skin that formed.

I was trying to distract myself. Alexis was rambling about a newly discovered crush for a certain surfer boy she saw. I didn't care who it was, nor did I care that I promised I would help the love-struck girl in befriending the boy. In times like this, I needed a little action in my life, and the new girl provided that with all of her boy-crazy drama. Maybe I could get a summer fling myself.

I turned my attention back on Alexis who patiently waited for my attention to fall back on her sophisticated plan. "Anyway," she started, "I plan on learning to surf, you know because Seth surfs and—"

"Hold up," I interrupted her mid sentence. I wasn't prepared for this, I thought, letting my elbow fall on the table between the two of us. "Seth who?"

"Seth Morrison of course. Damn, that boy is fine."

That's it, that was the name I was dreading. Coming out of her mouth, it sounded like fingernails slowly sliding down a chalkboard wall. I was going to be sick.

I stared at her for a moment, my mouth forming into a straight line. She had to be kidding. She just had to be. I said I would help her find a boyfriend, but not Seth Morrison, that inconsiderate jerk. The first person she saw just had to be Seth. I felt the rising word vomit forming in my throat and resisted the urge to cover my mouth for the sake of Alexis. This girl already owes me.

For a long moment, we stared at each other. She could sense the uneasiness, something that I tried to hide for a solid minute. "You know him?" She wondered, breaking the awkward silence.

"I know everyone here," I repeated, restricting myself to say his name.

I wasn't sure why the tone of voice changed. Alexis had nothing to do with it; she didn't do anything. Truthfully, you could say I didn't have anything to do with it either. It was all in the mastermind of Seth Morrison.

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