Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the long wait! This chapter is more along the lines of giving you background information on Seth and Dylan, so I hope you enjoy! Did any of you see this coming? Please vote and comment it you like it! S.R :)

My eyes felt like they bulged out of my head as Alexis sassed back those words towards Naomi. I was just as surprised as Naomi was, and even Aiden Powell had a questionable face. However, out of the complete shock of Alexis' statement, I tried to play it as cool as I could. I smirked before calmly leaning against the back of the chair, taking a sip of my coffee that was still burning.

The burning feeling wasn't the problem though. It was Alexis and her quick remarks that had already gotten me into trouble before, and it has only been a little over a day, all of it being revolved around Seth Morrison.

Naomi had a sly smirk on her face as she met eyes with mine. The gaze was held longer than normal, but not as awkward as one would imagine. We looked like we had a staring contest, but I knew she was calculating the unlikeliness that Seth would coach me. She knew Seth's and I's relationship status, and she knows the story between us. Seth practically used Naomi as a rebound when our friendship ended. She knows the right time to rub it in, and this was one of those times.

Naomi didn't say anything. Instead, Aiden whispered in her ear and turned her body around to the counter, insisting on getting coffee. My playing-it-cool posture broke as I quickly turned to the smiling Alexis and slapped her arm. I didn't care if Naomi saw this reaction, for she knows me too well.

"What the hell was that?" I shrieked, refraining from kicking her under the table instead. "You can't just go around saying shit like that when you know it won't happen,"

"Give me a break, Dylan, I'm trying to help you here just like you are helping me," She replied, rubbing her arm from the small slap. I honestly didn't think about it like that. This was her way of repaying me. "Try being a little spontaneous sometime, it could do you justice," She laughed.

"I am spontaneous," I defended. "But that is not being spontaneous. That is harassment waiting to happen from that Naomi Campbell wannabe herself."

"Which is why it needed to happen! Prove her wrong,"

I was all on board with proving Naomi and her posse wrong, but Alexis doesn't know much about anything around here. Naomi dominates the waves and every hopeful surfer who takes her on, including me in the past few years, always leaves in a heap of depression and demoralization after a heat. Everyone is a victim of Naomi Thorne, in the ocean and out of it. Her presence is unforgettable wherever she go.

"You wouldn't get it," I muttered, sitting back in my seat.

"Then tell me what happened between you and Seth,"

"It's a long story," I sighed, once again looking out towards the window. Past beyond the other side of the street, I could see the waves were firing.

"You can trust me. I have all the time in the world right now," She proposed.

"You can trust me, Dylan," Seth assured, sliding over his Hot Wheels race car track towards the side of his bedroom. We had just played for a few hours straight, and after much protest and whining, we finally stopped. I didn't mind playing with Seth's Hot Wheels since Michael never lets me play with his, which is downright annoying considering he still chews them even at the age of nine. I, however, was a mature eleven-year-old, from what mom and dad have always said. It's fine; he's not allowed to play with my Barbies.

"You pinky swear you won't tell anyone?" I asked.

Seth leaned over towards me, his long brown curls hiding most of his eyes, and quickly reached his pinky finger towards mine. I grabbed it with mine, a smiling flowing on my face.

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