Chapter Ten

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"Dylan Carter, you are a genius," Alexis screeched, locking her hands on my shoulders and pulling me into a tight hug. "Although it's a small gesture, it's better than nothing."

"If you say so," I agreed, rolling my eyes at the girl. She released her grasp and stepped back with a glowing smile on her face.

I wonder how she acted when she's drunk, considering she's giddy to begin with. Alcohol would put her on a whole new level, just like it did to everyone, but would she be the annoying drunk or calm drunk? Is she one of those drunks who become way too touchy with anyone around them? I wonder.

As the hours passed and people went home, I found myself slouched over a white couch with an almost empty cup of a way too expensive Ciroc dangling from my limp arm over the edge. Alexis, who was hanging over my body as if she were peering into a casket, went on rambling about her exact plan that I concocted when I was in the right state of mind. Now let me tell you, that plan seemed like pure gold a few hours ago but staying in this shitty house because I thought of the golden plan of Alexis to take care of Seth in his wasted state is now pissing me off.

I took another long swig of the vodka and slowly sat up on the couch with Alexis blabbing in my ear. "You-you know what," I thought, pointing my finger directly in front of her face, "A drunk mind speaks a sober heart." I giggled, leaning back in the seat, taking the final sip of liquid in the red solo cup. "You two... are perfect for each other, you know that? I ship it."

"Please enlighten me more, philosopher," she laughed, reaching for the empty cup in my hand. "But how we get you some water," the cup that was heavy in my hands was now on the table and I instantly felt a loss without it. Vodka was a deadly weapon.

Alexis' now free hands helped me up out of the seat and in the beginning, I staggered around the small space before finally making my way to the kitchen. She took me to the sink after taking a few minutes finding the cabinet with all of the glassware considering every red solo cup had now been used by the obnoxious amount of teenagers that passed through Seth's house. "Oh shit, Seth," I gasped, quickly forgetting about the water Alexis was handing me.

"He's fine, I checked on him about an hour ago," she said, placing the cup on the messy table. I had little attention span when I'm drunk. "Once he begins to sober up, your little plan might help."

Her face lit up into a big smile at the thought of getting closer to Seth. In a few hours, he'll awake and she'll be there with a glass of water and Advil and insist she was the one who carried him up to his room to take care of him. The plan was kind of shitty and pathetic as I thought of it now, but in the beginning of the party all she wanted to do was talk to Seth more, but he clearly wasn't able to. Once again, she'd be by his side, taking care of him like last night when he cut open his hand from a piece of glass at my house. To be honest, I still felt dreadful about that and the amount of alcohol I've consumed has made me feel worse about it all.

There were only a few of us left in his house. Since Alexis wants to take care of Seth for the rest of the morning, I couldn't leave. I sighed heavily and made my way back to the same white couch in the living room. The music was thankfully turned off, indicating the party had long been done.

I took a seat and sprawled myself the length of the couch, ready for a nap. "Long night?" Turning to the voice, I met eyes with his dark green eyes.

"More like a long couple of days," I laughed.

"You got that right," Daniel agreed, a small smirk on his face. He reached down towards the floor and picked up several empty cups and placed them into what I now understood was a black trash bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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