Chapter Three

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Here is chapter three! Please vote and comment if you enjoy the chapter! S.R :)

The sound of Alexis' heavy breathing caught my attention. She tossed the white, rented surfboard against the cooling sand, and plopped down her body. She didn't care the sand was riding up her pink bikini; she was too tired to complain of her sore arms from the two hours of evening surf lessons.

I was already laying on the beach with my head against my board, but I didn't mind the coolness of the sand. A black wetsuit was fitted perfectly to my lean body, the top torso, and arm fabric falling below my hips to expose my white bikini top and tan shoulders.

She huffed once more, and I couldn't help but laugh at the poor girl. "Do you need something?" I wondered, shielding my eyes from the setting sun in the distance.

It was almost nighttime. I could see the lights on Gillians Pier start to become more prominent under the darkening sky. It was that time of the year where the pier was filled with young people enjoying the rides set up along it. As each minute passed, you could hear the pier becoming louder as more people crowded the wooded floor.

"How about a full body massage," Alexis muttered, rubbing her arms.

"You'll get used to it." I lied. I still wasn't used to the soreness after every surf session, even after ten years of riding out along Gillians Beach.

She placed her head against her surfboard as I looked over at her. She was amused by the idea of learning to surf. A smile was placed on her lips, and it brought me back to the first time I surfed.

You never really know what's coming when you're out past the shoreline. As you bob up and down, the amount of time you're waiting on the board seems to make you more anxious. All you can do is hope that whenever it comes, whether it's a small wave or maybe a big one, is how you'll surf over it instead of drowning in its enormity. The waiting period never lasts as long as you'd think. After years of mastering the same motion, feeling the force of the wave signaling my body to spring up onto my feet against the flat boards seems easier.

"Look what the cat dragged in, boys."

I uncrossed my hands from my face and sat up at the familiar voice. Leaning my elbows against the sand, I looked up at the four figures that towered over Alexis and I. The high-pitched voice came from Naomi. 

Up close you could notice the dramatic black eyeliner around her cat-looking eyes. Under her right arm was a surfboard, while the other was tightly around the waist of a platinum haired boy. She examined the new girl for a few seconds before drawing her attention back to myself.

"Naomi," I nodded my head. I wasn't in the mood to pick a fight with the brunette, nor did I need to put Alexis in an awkward situation that involved the four people I was avoiding all summer. This ongoing fight didn't concern Alexis, but I could tell her body tensed as the familiar blue-eyed boy was standing distantly off the side of Naomi Thorne's surfboard. "What do I owe the pleasure today?"

"I'm not here to rattle you more than I have, Dylan." Naomi narrowed her eyes. "I saw the new girl hitting some waves out there. Alexis, right?" She glanced over at her. "Don't get used to it. I always tell new people to search for other beaches. Most people can't handle the rough waves at Gillians Beach."

I knew that last comment wasn't meant for Alexis. It was meant for me, as a reminder of the surf competitions I have lost to the girl. "I don't know what your deal is, but I can clearly handle myself out there," I muttered, standing to my feet. Alexis followed in pursuit. I caught all three boys glancing at her body, even Naomi's boy-toy for the month. Go figure.

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