Chapter Nine

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It wasn't until I was sitting in Alexis' car going to Seth Morrison's house for a party to realize how big of a mistake it was. Ever since she picked me up five minutes ago I had been analyzing every possible situation that could happen once I stepped foot into my old house, and more so, my old life.

"You don't look very excited," Alexis pointed out, quickly looking over at myself in the passenger seat of her old-fashioned, baby blue Ford truck.

"How could you tell?" I asked, focusing on the dark road ahead of us. "Was it my unenthusiastic face when you picked me up or the permanent frown and slouching in the seat that gave you the hint?"

"You're overreacting. It's just a party, you probably won't even see Seth anyway if its as big as he says it is," She took a sharp turn to the left and turned up another road which was all too familiar now. At the very end, the certain great white beach house was lit in every window. My heart sank instantly at the sight. I kept telling myself the exact same words but it didn't make me feel any better or give me any reassurance.

Maybe Alexis was right. Maybe tonight at Seth's party, in my previous home that I grew up in, would be different than I have been imagining. In a few hours, I'd as well be intoxicated with the bitter taste of cheap beer and the burning sensation of vodka sliding down my throat. It could all soon be an illusion, a night I would soon remember small parts of by tomorrow morning and dread by the afternoon.

Seth was right; from what both of us could see, his party screamed temptation for every beach-goer, high school student, and anyone in the proximity. The party could give Jay Gatsby a run for his money, but I made sure not to show Alexis how surprised I really was.

Cars lined the street, half sitting in neighbors lawns and the other on the dirt and sandy roads. It was a miracle for Alexis to find a parking space but somehow she did and it was closer than most. Her blue Ford truck had wiggled its way between two other jeeps, a car that now proved to be popular around this area. It didn't compare to the eighteen-year-old Saab sitting in my driveway at the very moment.

"I should have driven my own car," I realized, sliding out of her truck slowly like I was a little kid being forced by her parent into a dentist appointment.

"Don't worry I'm not drinking," She reassured, intertwining her bare arm with my own. "I need to be on the top of my game if I need to fight for Seth's attention tonight." I couldn't help but laugh at the girl. Honestly, I completely forgot about her hopeful love life with Seth and the promise made between each other. "On the other hand, you need all the drinks you can get to get through this night. I'm your girl if you need me to hold your hair," She giggled.

We picked up our pace towards the front door as the chilly night's summer air gusted for a few minutes. The breeze off of the water made Alexis shiver next to me in her checkered crop top and black short shorts compared to my jeans and oversized gray sweatshirt. I didn't look ready for a party compared to Ms. Perfectionist standing beside me.

"Let's face it if you drove yourself you probably wouldn't be here at the moment."

I shrugged, knowing it was true. I'd be pretending I wasn't ready, that I couldn't do my makeup or find a reasonable outfit. I'd be sitting on my bed, making sure Michael was safe when he walked through the door and controlling my mother's intake of alcohol, all at the same time preparing myself for work in the morning and Seth's coaching in the afternoon. Thrilling, I know. Anything seemed better than walking up the front porch towards a home that I used to feel safe and loved in from both of my parents. Now it was a distant past.

I followed Alexis through the front door. Instantly, a wave of heat and sticky people with the usual red plastic cups danced by us in sync. Their arms flared in the air to the beat of the heavy music blasting in the room next to us. For what I remember, it was the living room.

Chasing Seth MorrisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora