Chapter Four

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Here is chapter four! Please vote, comment, and tell your friends if you like it :) S.R

"Dylan, wait up!" A girl's voice shouted.

I kept walking at a quick pace. The heavy surfboard and the steady-paced quick walk burned my arms and legs, but I didn't care. I just needed to get out of here, away from that crowd, and see my brother.

"Wait up, would you?" My body was flown to the side and I stopped walking. Seth once again had a firm hold of my arm, making it known I couldn't pull away from him this time. Alexis caught up to the two of us, struggling as she carried the surfboard in her skinny arms. "That whole thing, about you mom, I—"

"Just stop, Seth," I muttered, not needing to be reminded of the encounter with the devil. I didn't need to hear an excuse about the recent event, and I certainly did not need to listen to a lie from Seth. "I don't care what you told her. What's done is done. It's in the past now. I'm sure you'll run back to the princess herself," I waved my arm closer to my body and he let go a few seconds later. "Are you coming Alexis?" I questioned, looking at the confused girl. She nodded her head, oblivious to where we were going.

Seth looked tense standing next to her, but I knew it wasn't because of her presence. It was me; it was us and our complicated relationship, something that I thought was over because of the years of avoiding him. Once again, I couldn't read his face. It was as if he was forever emotionless, completely unaware of what it did to people.

We started walking up the sandy path, past the booth where I worked, and into the parking lot. It was packed with the people who were at the pier, but lucky enough my house was in walking distance. I didn't bother putting on my three dollar flip-flops, but I felt like I was walking like a penguin as my feet sometimes stepped on a sharp rock. Alexis kept her pace with mine, but I could sense Seth following us from behind. What is his deal? Couldn't he see I was trying to leave with some dignity left?

I turned back towards the boy, more aggravated than the previous thirty seconds. "Come on Dylan, let my drive you guys home. It's dark out," He pleaded, pointing towards his black jeep that was parked a few feet away. He might as well be flaunting it in front of me, I thought, slouching my shoulders at my dream car. I could hear it calling my name. Ride me, Dylan, ride me. It was either the car calling my name or Alexis' happy feet as she giddied her way over to Seth's car.

"Fine," I sighed, without looking a Seth for simple thanks. To be completely honest, my feet and body were in serious pain, and the fancy black leather seats could easily put me in a better mood.

Seth strode over to Alexis, helping her place the surfboard in the back seat. I caught myself watching the two, realizing Seth wasn't wearing a shirt, exposing his fit surfer body for all to see. His board shorts were hung low on his hips, looking like a model right out of a cover of a magazine. Any other girl would be drooling over the eye-candy, but I wasn't. I watched as Alexis nudged him with her elbow, later laughing at something he said.

Rolling my eyes, I walked to the jeep and placed my surfboard in the back. Alexis was propped in the front seat, waving her hand through her long brown hair. Their conversation continued as we pulled out of the lot, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I searched for Naomi's green eyes, preparing to spy her down if she was watching the three of us leave. She was nowhere in sight, and a rush of relief left my body. I placed my head against my surfboard that was close to my body. If a fourth board was set in this car, I would easily not fit. I didn't involve myself in the conversation, but it looked like Alexis and Seth were hitting it off instantly. He had a contagious laugh, something that was so familiar to me.

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