Chapter Five

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Thank god for snow days because I can write all day :) I hope you guys like this chapter! You are awesome, and I love your comments! If you love this book, check out my other as well! It is called Baker Hall. S.R

Time is a weird concept. Our lives revolve around that single word, yet we still seem to waste away those seconds and minutes by fighting with each other, working at jobs that we would rather skip but money is too precious too give up, and drinking away our own sorrows, like the blonde woman who wont remember her son's scared face tomorrow morning.

My mother's routine was the same every day. She would sleep until 9:00 am in the morning, being awoken by an annoying alarm clock on the other side of her room and the smell of coffee that I made for her every morning, without single thanks.

She would then get up, take a warm shower, cleaning her worn down body and brushing her teeth from the previous night of drinking in the living room, which I usually cleaned the night before for her guest of the week. I didn't know who they were, but she didn't care about her daughter and son. She'd put the coffee in the mug, already being late to her work if she even went, and then I'd see her home later. Sometimes it would be 5:00 pm, at times 1:00 am, depending on where she decided to drink that night.


I snapped my head towards Michael's direction and met his face. It morphed into a straight face with bright eyes that screamed a mix of emotions he couldn't handle. "Michael," I sighed, walking towards the young boy, not caring a puddle of red wine was in our kitchen, smelling like a wine vineyard.

I wrapped my arms around his shirtless, scrawny body and engulfed him in a hug. Considering he was a few years younger than me, he was still taller. I didn't expect him to cry since he hadn't been raised by a parent figure beside myself since he was nine years old; he was strong, but his vulnerability was showing as he placed his face on my neck, wrapping his arms around my body.

The kitchen was silent, but a distant noise of a TV was heard through my mother's room, blocking out the sound of the four kids cleaning up her mess. I had almost forgotten Seth and Alexis were still standing in the room, probably ready to race out of this house because of the event they just witnessed. Little do they know, this was common in our household.

I unwrapped my arms around Michael and turned around to face the two, who both had looks of sympathy, something I didn't expect. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, holding out my hands at the mess below me.

I didn't know what to say to Alexis, who I only met a few hours ago. She seemed reasonable enough with her loving family, and now her fate with Seth Morrison was in the hands of a girl who hadn't seen love in seven years since my parents divorced when I was eleven. Today she had sympathy on her face. Tomorrow, I probably won't see her face at all.

My face felt hot, the heat because of the embarrassment as Seth stood in front of me, seeing what my life has become. I was fucked.

Seth moved in front of Alexis, making his way over to the kitchen counter. Reaching over the counter, closer to the wall, he grabbed the roll of paper towels, tearing a group of the paper off and chucking it at Alexis. Her hands were graciously open, ready for the roll. She caught it herself, tore a piece off, and moved down to the floor, ready for sweeping.

"You don't have to help, guys. Its been a long day, go home." I said, reaching for the paper towels myself.

"We aren't taking no for an answer," Seth replied, moving next to Alexis. He placed the paper towels on top of the puddle of wine and let is soak in. Then, he moved closer to the shards of glass, being careful not to cut himself.

"Seth just stop," I bent down towards the two helping clean. I tried grabbing his hands away from the glass, but he quickly pulled them away.

"Can't you see I've been trying to help you!" He yelled, standing up. The glass remained in his hands.

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