Chapter Eight

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Sorry for the late update! I'm very excited because my last day of high school was last friday and I graduate June 8th! So fucking excited :) Make sure to check out my new book that I started that I am super excited for! It's called Initiation Night. You'll love it! Thanks guys, S.R

"So you're telling me that your father cheated on your mom with Seth's mom? That's messed up,"

"Tell me about it," I sighed, once again slouching in the seat. I spun the empty coffee cup in circles across the table, knowing it was a nervous habit when I would tell anyone something as serious and private such as this. It felt like I was telling a stranger, who Alexis pretty much is, but I knew it was different.

She shook her head, her long brown hair flowing perfectly over her small shoulders. "But that doesn't make any sense. You're saying you and Seth had been best friends for all those years and you broke it off because of your parents?"

"When you say it like that it sounds worse," I laughed, once again the nerves kicking in. I was talking to a stranger about the worst time in my life and she happened to fall head over heels with the boy himself. "We just drifted apart. We both ended up blaming each other's parents, which then led to blaming each other," I paused, sighing once again which seemed like the tenth time in a period of 30 seconds. "He started hanging out with Naomi and her gang, even though he knew I hated her, and I found my own group and a boyfriend who is now my ex but that's beside the point."

"How did your mom handle all of this?"

"She didn't, clearly. She relied on my father a lot with our financial needs. When she kicked him out of the house, he took all of the money with him and left us practically broke. My mom got into drinking, got fired from her job, lost the beautiful white beach house, which Seth and his mother live in right now, and now I'm stuck in that little house you saw last night."

"Holy shit, Dylan! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She gasped, leaning against the table as if she was more intrigued than ever.

"Well, it's not something I just blurt out on a daily basis to a total stranger!" I shrieked out, loud enough for only the two of us.

"I feel awful. If I had known this I wouldn't have gotten you in this situation," Alexis seemed pure and the sincerity in her voice was reassuring.

Her face had guilt all over it as if it were her fault but it will always and inevitably be my fault for the rest of my and Seth's life. Something was bound to happen between the two of us someday, whether that meant rekindling our friendship or self-destruction. But here it was, Alexis, who now is like the gatekeeper between the two of us.

I looked back out the window, hoping if I got distracted by the people outside then my thoughts and imagination wouldn't become as sappy as the direction they were going in. Yes, Alexis is a mutual "friend" between Seth and I but our lost friendship might as well stay the way it is right now. She's on her own mission and now I'm set on one. Seth might be involved in both, but my only goal is to take down Naomi.

My body jerked out of the seat as I felt a firm hold around my wrist and soon I was quickly out the coffee shop with Alexis, who although was a petite girl, had a lot of strength I didn't initially give her credit for. The sweet smell of coffee and pastries were replaced by the salty ocean and sweaty people who ran passed Alexis and me on their daily runs along the beach walk.

Gillians Pier and beach were across the street. I couldn't help but scowl at the beautiful sandy beach because of the events that happened last night. Seeing Naomi this morning was a small reminder but looking out across the water, where I should be surfing, I only felt confused, like I was unwelcome. I knew Seth was out in the water somewhere, either surfing for fun or getting ready for the same surf competition I now am a part of.

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