Chapter 3- Bladee

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Every single person in the room had their eyes on me, i was terrified. "Sorry i'm late" I said with as much confidence as i could build, which wasn't a lot. Then it started, the whispers i saw 2 girls at the back start whispering and before i knew it everyone was, the teacher just pointed to a desk with disappointment on his face he said "sit there" his voice was loud, firm and frightening.

I walked slowly over to the desk and pulled the chair out, it screeched against the tile floor and everyone stopped their whispers. As i sat i reached into my bag and pulled out a pad of lined paper. I looked up to the chalk board and saw numbers scribbled everywhere... Math. 

I stuck my hand in my bag and started to search for a pen or a pencil or anything but nothing turned up, on my first fucking day i didn't bring my pen... fuck. Out of nowhere a long thin arm holding a pen was right in front of my face, my eyes followed the arm and connected to it was a lanky boy with straight but roughly cut hair. I took the pen and in a whisper i said "Thanks" , he didn't speak or show any emotion in his face he just turned back to face the chalk board.

Between scribbling down random notes and constantly checking the clock the lesson wasn't eventful. As soon as the teacher, I still have yet to find out his name, told us to finish up i reached the pen back over to the boy, he looked me dead in the eye and just said "Keep" with that he stood up and left me holding the pen.

As I stood to leave the now clear class room i looked down and saw a bag sat next to mine, It was a small bag that would go over the shoulder, for a second I was confused and then it clicked. Grabbing mine and the other bag i ran out of the classroom, at the end of the hallway i saw the same lanky boy leaving through an exit I continued to sprint down the hall until i reached the exit. He was stood at the bottom of some steps leading from the door next to the same blonde boy from earlier, both of them looking at me as i bent over hand on knees out of breath. Slowly i walked down the steps and handed the bag to the boy he looked down at me still emotionless and said "Thank you" I smiled back to him. At the side of me i heard a laugh "He isn't too good with English, He's still learning" the now slightly familiar voice said, he continued "His names Blade" I looked to both of them confused and this so called Blade said "It has 2 es" I started to laugh. All I could think was what is his real name, why so suspicious? He wasn't born with that name was he? 

"What's your next lesson?" Lean said, "Erm i'm in E13" I said whilst checking the lesson schedule I had been given, "Us too" Lean said and tapped Blade's shoulder as some sort of confirmation that we where going, with that we walked back up the steps and i followed slowly behind as the two spoke Swedish to each other...

Author Notes- I know these may seem short but i'm trying to do short chapters regularly than a long chapter a month or whatever. Not sure if anyone reads this but if you do thanks for reading hope it's entertaining. I'm very sorry if my punctuation and amount of paragraphs are annoying i'm not the best at stuff like that. I wasn't going to add anybody but Yung Lean but instead of creating a new character I added Bladee (I hope that doesn't bother anyone). I also know i'm putting Blade instead of Bladee but seen as it's said as Blade i feel it makes more sense.

Also i'd like to say that if i make Yung Lean or Bladee seem like an asshole or unrealistic that is because this is a story and does not reflect who they are as actual people :). 

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